DND Session 2-3

3 years, 8 months ago

Week 2 More Lore ENCHANTMENTS???? What do you mean theres an island???

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"Wait until you get my lute"-Nikki
"I'd pay good money to watch you hit Rob over the head with one"- Justin "I have disposable income"
"I found one on ebay for $1500"- Rob
"I dont have THAT much disposable income!"- Justin
"Maybe I'll just make one"-Nikki"
"You cant even make a sandwich"- Rob
Justin then proceeds to loose his shit so hard that he is high pitch squeal laughing for almost 3 minutes
"Guess rob will be the one making the sandwich to apologize"-Kin
Justin then looses his shit AGAIN
And Then Justin looses his shit AGAIN
The amount of laughter tonight XD
Shorty ended up kicking him from the call and he came back laughing even harder XD
(Some parts edited out cuz my memory sucks, but it was HILARIOUS)

Week 2:
Daria- goes to class with Dietrich and fishing, watching for sea life
Dietrich covers the history of Vola this week.  (Can find info under the journals tab on roll20)
Daria almost looses their fishing rod, and gets something big enough to almost to pull them over the side, fishing line breaks however and we never see the big thing again.
Sees a few spouts of water in teh distance, but also sees some rogue waves, nothing really exciting or special.
Kaslin- Coffee infused Rum beans, studied with Daria and Dietrich, and fishing
This batch is even better than the last batch
Tells Tyr hes not allowed to have anymore cuz of what happened last time XD It was offered to everyone else tho. Allistor shares his with Tyr tho
Fishing was abyssmal, only got 1 lb of fish, ALL THE TINY FISH
Allistor and Tyr- Pulls Dietrich aside to talk to him, upgrade the guns
Tyr- is not assisting this week
Makes some progress but not really with gun upgrades
(((BEGONE THOT)))) As an answer to Tyr being lost in thought XD
First day Tyr was helpful, as the days went on hes less and less helpful, there was almost a fire on the ship due to Tyr's lantern on a desk, Day 6 no help, staring blankly at paper, wont answer if hes ok
Allistor approaches Tyr around the end of the days work or distracted, ergo the two of them together alone to talk
Tyr asks why he and everyone are there, isnt sleeping well
Asks if they made the right decision
Other than what Allistor hears, he cant tell anything else
Tano-Reads the next book, fishing
Fishing is nada
*Sad cat noises*
Next book we have no info about due to the DM being too busy
Aegas- Fishing
Gets some fish
Everything is boring
Allistor has Dietrich- asks about prophecys
Asks if Dietrich if he remembers the blowing up of the church
Mentions hes the rider from the prophecy
Would have had better luck asking the high lord priest
We did, he was vague and cryptic
Talks abou what the groups escapades
Asks about vampires
Asks about how to shoot one so it kills it
Asks him how hes doing, Dietrich is doing better
Maybe Tyr has some ginger?
Aegas and Daria are half coherent, and Kaslyn is dead asleep
Allistor is asleep with slight movement
Dark night with cloud cover, crescent moon
Tano wakes up to see Tyr going up the stairs to the upper deck
Tano follows sneakily
Can see Tyr due to Low Light ability
He stands on a box while resting on the rail to the side
Tano doesnt care for Tyr but knows something is off
hes staring off into the ocean at something
Tano looks towards the ocean all sneaky like
Tano sees nothing, but Tano knows Tyr sees something
Tano quietly sneaks to go get Allistor
Allistor wakes up
Daria, Aegas, and Kaslin all wake up as well
Kas tells Allistor to give Tyr some coffee
Everyone tries to be sneaky and barely succeeds
Sees Tyr still looking out into the ocean
(Kas roles a nat1 as does Daria so DM has them refresh the screen due to possible internet issues and then Kas roles a natd20 WUT)
Allistor and Aegas catch that Tyr is looking at something in the ocean, and whatever it is he isnt blinking
Aegas notices his eyes are very clear
Aegas and Allistor look out to the ocean  
Aegas sees nothing but ocean
Allistor sees an island far far out away, surprisingly clear, tower sticking out high above the trees and a light- orange- on top the tower
Everyone watches as Allistor breaks from the pack and takes a position next to Tyr without saying a word
Allistor hears the sound of singing, melody song and feels as if it is trying to pull him to the island to show up and join
He then looks away and looks back at the group, realizing he moved, he looks back and can see the island but cant hear it
I think I know whats wrong with Tyr!- Allistor
Allistor goes over to Daria and Kas cuz they magicky and shit
Mentions to them about Tyr being under some kind of hypnotism or somethin
Daria uses Detect Magic and its not a strong magic but about as much as Daria
Its magic- Compulsion- at least Darias level
Allistor and Daria are off to get Dietrich
The rest of them stay by Tyr to watch him
Tyr is then roped to Aegas
Down below the deck and comes across a sleeping dietrich, sleeping in his wings
He flips out of the hammock XD
Mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm *turns to daria and asks for confirmation*
Daria, Allsitor and Dietrich walk back upstairs
And see nothing
All of us are gone that were up top