spiders(pt 1)

4 years, 12 days ago
4 years, 12 days ago
1 426

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 12 days ago

two spooky animals find friends in eachother!

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Chapter 1

In the near morning, lots of kids were playing around and enjoying themselves by playing tag and as they ran around and laughed they stopped and looked as a new kid walked over. He had purple and green fur and it made a skeleton pattern, making him look very spooky to the kids

He waved then ran over. His ears flicked and he said faintly”h-hi! Im spooky!” they couldn't tell if he was saying his name or a fact, so they all said’ hi!” when he walked forward towards them more, they walked a little back.

The little dog's face lowered his smile, and he thought then said”what is your favorite
.animal?” all of the kids smiled and babbled about animals, and he smiled” yeah! I like spiders and snakes!” 

The babble stopped as they all goggled at them, one even shivering and he stopped smiling again”what? They're not too bad, people just don't like them, but they're cute!” he put his face in the grass as the kids tried to silently shuffle away.

He looked up:” Wait wait! Im almost ready!” all the kids stopped in morbid confusion, and looked down and they got closer as he said “a-ha!” and they got even closer and were almost nose to nose with him.

But imagine the horror when he pulled his snout out to have a spider on it. The kids screamed and yelled, followed by them all falling over each other and running away. He looked up and said:” cool righ-?” 

When he saw they had just run away, he put his head down and put the spider in a flower and sighed, sitting down and his sorrow on his face was not hard to see. So the change in his face was almost a miracle when a little cat started laughing and snickering at him.

The little cat was purple too, but it was much lighter with dark green and purple stripes. She ran over and layed down to see the spider in the eye level”woaaah cool!” she put it on her nose and laughed.

The little dog starred in surprise as she said” you really scared them huh?” she giggled after that, and he smiled at her” that's not really what i wanted to do though
” she looked up” well, spiders are cool so

He smiled and said”snakes are also cool!” and she jumped and nodded, and as they walked away, a conversation about their favorite snakes are and such, but one thing they did gain?... a friend.