Bittersweet Reunion

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
2 712

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Mild Violence

A familiar face.

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Chapter 1

The Princess of Mythril was called to pass judgement to a strange traveler who had recently entered the kingdom walls. As the incapacitated individual was being held down by the patrolling guards, she had stepped forward and looked down at the half-dragon forced to their knees. The noble's shadow had come into their view and she could tell that they were hesitant to look at whoever was there to punish them in the eye.

"State your name." The voice was stern, but with a touch of softness.

The young man's ears had perked and his head snapped upward.

"Mythril?" They spoke suddenly. "Mythril! It's me! Don't you recognize m-"

He was quickly cut off by the restraining guard's hand to his head, before his face was pushed into the dirt.

"You dare to address Her Highness in such a manner?" He snorted angrily. "She asked you your name. That's all."

The young dragon complied and gave his name.

"And what was the commotion?" She asked.

"I didn't mean to! It was an accide-"

"This heathen had the gall to run up to and assault a young woman." The guard sneered.

"I sadi it was an-Augh!"

"You are in no position to talk, you vile serpent." He barked. "You just think you can attack whoever you want and take whatever you want. All you dragons are the same."

"That is enough!" The usual quiet voice of the unicorn was now projected to halt the gaurd in his ranting.

"I apologize, you highness..." His ears laid back against his had in shame.

"Was anyone hurt?" She inquired.

"No, but the young doe is still shaken from the whole ordeal." His eyes shifted to a young satyr who was shaking in her hooves and hiding behind a small crowd of muttering people.

She assessed the situation and turned her gaze back towards the perpatrator in question. As she stared into his eyes, there was fear, but a small hint of hope. She knew what she had to do.

"Take him to the dungeon." Most of whatever hope was left in those eyes had all but shattered. "I will determine his punishment later."

As the guards took him away he flailed and screamed with what willpower he had left. She turned toward him, heart wrenching in her chest.

"Mythril! Please!" Tears dropped from his cheeks. "Don't let them take me! I don't want to be alone again!" His pleas were still heard from a distance, relentless. "Mythril...!"

They were almost unbearable, but she had to do what must be done. For her family. For her kingdom.