Store Prompts V2

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
26 9432

Entry 11
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Storage for Valley Of Kings on CS.

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S15: Andromeda

Being unprepared may be a worry for some, but not for Andromeda. She has no issue with planning ahead of time. She's often made mental regimens for herself that she memorizes, so she'll know exactly what to do in a specific emergency.
       But when disaster does strike, Andromeda prioritizes saving lives over any material thing. Toys, food, personal belongings, they're all thrown aside. Andromeda will not evacuate until she's sure that everyone else is already out. She makes sure that there's no one trapped or stuck somewhere they can't get out of. Cubs first, then elders, in her mind. She does have a problem with favoritism, though; she'll save her family and friends before helping strangers.
       If the threat is something that she could tackle with teeth and claws, Andromeda would throw herself into battle as soon as possible. She loves a good skirmish, and doesn't have a problem with eliminating a threat. The flow of combat is something that she's extremely good at, and she loves an adrenaline rush. But if the emergency is a natural disaster, or something else that she can't control, Andromeda would know when to get out of there as soon as possible. (She'd still help others get out, though.)
       Andromeda doesn't have an issue with getting her head in the game. Whatever the emergency, as soon as she hears terrified screaming, her brain goes into survival mode and starts piloting. She hasn't often made bad decisions in the heat of the moment, which makes her a lion most others want around in the event where something goes down.