Store Prompts V2

4 years, 15 days ago
3 years, 7 months ago
26 9432

Entry 14
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Storage for Valley Of Kings on CS.

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S4: Coho

Coho’s experiences with parenthood have fluctuated from standard to far out of the ordinary. He’s had two cubs of his own, a son and a daughter that he couldn’t be more proud of. But the fact that they’re both from different mates, and that his current mate isn’t related to them in the slightest, is a situation that he’s never heard of.
       Coho has always wanted success for his cubs, for them to go on and succeed in the world. He’s done his best to help them along as they grew, teaching them up in the way they should go. Both of their mothers were lost when they were young; Nott disappeared in a blizzard, while Mysrek and Coho were forced to part ways when destiny pulled them in different directions. He always knew that he could never fill the shoes they’d left open, but that didn’t stop him from trying.
       Another key factor to his parenthood experience was the stark differences between his two cubs. Mariana first met her half-brother when she was eleven moons old; by the time he was old enough to want to play games with her, she was beyond childish things. Mariana was old enough to remember a time before the fortress, running free through the fortress. But being born a moonfolk, she had been taken captive with her father when they had been hunted down by Legionnaires. Coho bonded deeply with her over the loss of their freedom, and they’ve become stronger together because of it.
       Galiene, on the other hand, has been more of a challenge to raise. Coho had to avoid hinting at anything that related to being free or living outside the fortress. Since escape wasn’t a viable option, he wanted to make Galiene feel like the fortress was home. He introduced himself to many of the other parents there and had Galiene play with their kids, trying to get his son to make some friends. Coho is thankful that his advances worked, and now that he’s grown, Galiene is a happy extrovert with no lack of companions.
       Their little family unit has had some challenges over the years, not just with the lack of a mother figure around. When Mariana was a teenager, she got into bad company with a group of young moonfolk that were a negative influence on her. She kept on sneaking out of their room at night, headed to one of their crazy parties and challenges. And then she’d come back, exhausted and unkempt, looking worse for wear. It went on for only a few nights before Coho discovered it and quickly put an end to her shenanigans. With Kemuel’s approval, he put her in a private room under guard, and she wasn’t able to leave for the number of nights that she’d snuck out. Coho wasn’t pleased to have to discipline her, but he knew it needed to be done, otherwise she’d just start a downward spiral that would likely last for much of her life.