Store Prompts V2

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
26 9432

Entry 20
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

Storage for Valley Of Kings on CS.

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S10: Sacred Place


Yin padded up the steep slope, trying to keep her focus off the steep drop-off to her left. She knew that journeying to the top of the peak was supposed to be an enlightening experience, but she couldn't help being worried that this would be her final enlightenment, if she so much as put a paw in the wrong place.
       "Almost there," her father called down from his place further up the path. "I promise you, it'll be worth it."
       "As long as I don't die before I get there," Yin muttered.
       An immense weight dropped off her shoulders as rock rose up on both sides, and she entered a narrow canyon. She let out a deep breath, wincing as she climbed up the rough gravel at the bottom. "Where the sky touched the earth," she said, repeating the words her mother had said to her. "Wonder what on earth that could mean."
       She got her answer as she emerged from the top of the canyon. Immediately wind buffeted her on all sides, tugging her fur in multiple directions. Her gaze was captivated by the boulder in front of her. Upon it sat a gnarled tree that was blackened and charred; it was astonishing that it didn't disintegrate right then and there.
       Yang was sitting at the top of the path. "See what I mean?" He nodded his head toward the petrified tree. "This is a sacred place, where the sky first touched the earth. It was one of the ways the moon first spoke to the earth, at the beginning of the moonfolk."
       Yin let out a breath. It had definitely been worth the climb.