Store Prompts V2

3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 4 months ago
26 9432

Entry 7
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Storage for Valley Of Kings on CS.

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S10: Living On the Islands, Part I

Coho stared off the edge of the deck, watching the water turn teal below them. He took in a deep breath of salty sea air, feeling his mane in the wind. Soon, he would be able to see his father. He couldn't wait to be home again. And to have both of his children beside him, and his mate... it was a dream come true.
       His mind flashed back to the discovery of black fur tangled in one of the jungle bushes. He'd recognized the scent, but... he couldn't bring himself to believe with false hope that she was alive. It had been too long... and he already had a mate now. It would only complicate things if she was alive.
       Coho could see the village on the horizon, illuminated by the light of the setting sun. The village founder had decided to build the village at sea, raised on bamboo stilts above the water. It allowed the residents to fish and swim right underneath their own homes. And a boardwalk led onto the main island, where they could hunt land prey and relax on the beach.
       And to think that he had both of his cubs with him this time around... though they weren't cubs anymore. Mariana was a young woman, and Galiene a rambunctious teenager. Coho couldn't wait to show them the fish-filled coral reefs and take them diving in the deeper water. He wanted them to experience the wonder of the ocean he'd known so well when he was younger.