
3 years, 9 months ago

Bracken isn't sure what to think.

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Bracken isn't sure what to think.

She's sure that staring with a slack jaw isn't the appropriate response-But the moment is so utterly unexpected and peculiar that she can't really help it. Sleep deprivation probably didn't help her case either. Grassy was on occasion full of surprises, (such was the nature of having a magical cat girlfriend) but this deserved a new title in itself. 

Grassy stood, bipedal and so unfathomably tall before her. She had seen bipeds before, of course she had, but she had never seen someone quadruped the night before and returned the next day to see them standing up on two legs. She's even wearing the cloth that they love, brown fur accented with a red mage's coat and pale tan capris that match her fingerless gloves. Her green eyes shimmer with uncertainty, and her unnaturally long tail curls around the front of her legs, the giant plume of fur sprouting from the tip now large enough Bracken could likely get lost in it. It's still her, recognizable in all but shape. Even her belt is a dead giveaway, a crescent to match the one on her head(later she would argue her belt was a moon and her marking a blade of grass, nonsensical really). 

Grassy squats down, and the action is so sudden that she nearly flinches. But the smile she cracks is so familiar, broad and without teeth, head tilted slightly to the right. It puts her to ease subconsciously. "Bracken…" she starts, a warm smile barely covering her nervousness. "It's still me. I'm sorry-I didn't mean to startle you, I just… Didn't know you were coming today." She quickly begins to ramble, fidgeting her paw-like fingers together absentmindedly. .

She should say something, she realizes with a sudden jolt. She blinks a few times, and gives her head a little shake as she steps forwards. "Don't apologize! You just, surprised me is all." Her words are dropped with certainty that immediately eases some of the tension held in Grassy's shoulders. They simply bask in the moment, Bracken partially still processing the sight. Idly she's aware of something rushing past her, but she's used to it at this point. Three small star shaped objects go by, pausing suddenly before Grassy to float idly. Her attention is drawn away from the quadruped a moment, eyes drawn to the little stars as she gathers them in her hands. Her eyelids droop as she holds them delicately, humming a low note as she draws their gift of gathered magic from their edges. They float off soon after, and the smile given is far more genuine.

She is curious as the other suddenly shifts, outstretching their hand but pausing before her face. "May I touch you?" She asks imploringly, and Bracken nods without hesitation. There were no qualms about it before, why would she raise complaints now? Fingers are gently pressed to the side of her face, and though it is foreign and a tad peculiar she leans into the contact all the same. The familiar buzz of her magic is still present across her fingers, the cool tingles rushing through her cheek with a refreshing buzz. She was home. Pawpads sweep over her cheek in a tender act of affection, gaining confidence quickly and rising behind her ears. Bracken nearly pitches forwards then and there, entirely startled by how good that felt. A low purr rumbles in her throat unconsciously, gaining a quick hum from the biped.

The biped speaks with a grin, pulling her hand back and planting it softly in the grass between them "Come on, I want to show you something." The implications are clear as she shifts positions, leaning forwards with her arm and shoulder outstretched. Bracken obliges, stepping forwards and jumping up, scrabbling for purchase a moment. A hand comes to steady her as she turns, claws lightly sinking into the fabric to stay balanced. The discontent she has with the situation is quickly resolved, magic buzzing at her feet that suddenly has her feeling steady. Even as she moves to stand, Bracken is unexplainably secure on her shoulder. Both watch as a much larger object makes itself known, much like the stars a huge crescent slides from the treeline, pausing before them. Its much larger than any of the times Bracken had ever seen it, but she had seen it change size plenty of times before. 

They step forwards, one hand planted to the side of the huge crescent. Paws settling firmly, Grassy geze flicks to her a moment before looking up. Once again the implications are obvious. They rise, and Bracken only feels a brief panic as the ground gets farther and farther away. It's hard to stay that way as magic rolls over her in waves suddenly, it's cooling familiar touches a blanket of safety. A hand raises and settles on her, resting with gentle pets as they ascend past the treeline. The stars had always been gorgeous, ever since Grassy first showed them to her, beautiful strings of lights and colours dotting the sky within walking distance of her homeland. Their inexplicable connection with her beloved girlfriend only heightened what she already felt towards them. But this… Was new.

Her eyes shine, and she feels them widen as they are taken farther and farther into the sky. It's painted with deep purples and blues, highlighted with a pale layer of fluffy clouds and bright shimmering stars. All elements are highlighted so much more when viewed from amongst them. This was a deeper connection, something between those that can fly and the endless sky. Most creatures would never see the sky like this. She smiles, heart soaring. This was a gift. 

They rise past the layer of clouds, the cool mist not unlike Grassy's magic. Her heart jumps again-How many people got to say they've touched a cloud? Their transportation slowly stops, and they are left floating above an endless sea of clouds. The ground was hardly noticeable, patches of blurred greens where clouds thinned. The moon shines brightly, unhindered by clouds or trees, and looking so huge before them. It's a magical experience, just them and the night sky. They bask in the serenity, and she wishes they could spend a lifetime amongst the stars.

Fatigue slowly slips into her, eyelids droopy and ready to sleep. Grassy's magic buzzes, slowly becoming less noticeable. "That's why you sleep, love." She purrs, and Bracken doesn't really have it in her to argue much more than letting out a loud yawn. She doesn't protest as Grassy's hands settle on her shoulders and lift her. She's settled down onto the crescent at her feet where watches the biped curiously as she steps off the side-

Before panic can settle in it's made clear she was stepping onto one of her stars, balancing on one paw as she spun behind her out of sight. By the time she circles back she's in the form she knows. The quadrupedal cat grins, hopping back onto their shared platform with a loud purr. She practically pounces on her, rubbing her cheek across her flank before nuzzling into her neck. "Don't scare me like that." She scolds, but the warning has no bite. Grassy simply chuckles, drawing Bracken's smaller body into her own and wrapping her tail around them both. Despite her magic being cool her body is inherently warm, which is far better for cuddling anyways.

"I'll keep you safe, you can rest here with me as long as you need." She reassures, but Bracken finds it redundant. She always felt safest when she was with her.