Odd Comforts

3 years, 9 months ago

3 fluffy drabbles of Asha and Casper

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It was a weird thing to find comfort in. The smells of fire. Ash, burnt wood, and smoke. The smell coiled deeply into Casper's fur on some days, noticeable from across the room. A warning, a promise. 

These were the days Asha burrowed deeper into his fur, nose buried behind the thick layers to inhale the scent of home. Limbs larger than his entire body curled around him, gentleness that only he would see. 

Asha no longer believed in blessings, but if he did this would be the greatest of them all.


"Hey-That tickles!" Asha protests, but the noise is quickly interrupted by a snort. Casper nuzzles deeper into his neck, nose pushing against his collar. The paws pushing at him do nothing, and it's adorable more than anything-Especially when Asha begins to giggle.

The demon plays coy, but he fools neither of them. His great head tilts to the side, eyes shimmering with playfulness. "Does it now?" 

Asha grumbles, but is relieved at the brief respite and catches his breath quickly. "You know my neck is sensitive Casper." He pants, but he's grinning more than frowning, and that's a win in his books. 

"News to me!" The retort is final, and punctuated with a nip. As gently as he can, Casper grabs Asha by the collar and tugs him forwards(gaining a surprised yelp). He rolls over, using the side of his paw to help push the small purple canine up onto his chest without choking him. 

Stumbling for a grip, Asha glares down at the hulking creature. A hind leg raises to scratch at the collar, idly twisting it until it sits comfortably again. "You could have just asked to cuddle you know." He mutters, but settles down anyway.

"I don't know what you're talking about."


Casper wrinkles his nose, a silent snarl on his maw. Asha is unbothered, staring quizzically at his demonic lover. They're more or less at eye level in this space, a smaller form taken to fit into the casino walls. "What's wrong? Don't like the smell of cigarettes?" He questions, but it's clearly not the issue-He's reeked of the awful little things plenty of times before now.

"You were with that sheep angel." Casper growls, but he stays away. Asha finds it curious, usually he was pestered after being separated for any length of time.

"Yeah? What of it." He leans against the wall as he speaks, idly swapping the hard candy she had given him tk the other cheek. "She's nice, talked shit about the world and ate candy."

Casper blinks, but the snarl doesn't go away. "Angelic creatures… Even those that have fallen, have smells. Smells that are naturally repulsive to demo-To me." More disgust takes over his features "And you reek of angelic being right now." 

A mischievous grin appears on the purple canines face as he steps forwards "Oh? Looks like you're gonna have to change that then." He opens his arms out as he steps forwards, moving in for a hug.

Casper matches his grin and turns around, massive twin tails wagging hard enough to nearly knock him to the ground. "Oh Casper, you bastard-" Asha begins to cuss under the mounds of fur, but he is quickly silenced in his focus of trying to bat the tails away. 

On his own time he turns, pressing his nose into Asha's chest and deeply inhales. "That's … Mostly better." He confirms, and Asha just grumbles.