Post-trial comforts

3 years, 8 months ago
699 1

This is just a probably shitty self-ship fanfic thing I wrote up, which takes place right after chapter 4, aka my S/I’s case chapter in Danganronpa 2. *There’s no actual canon spoilers*

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This was originally uploaded on my old selfship tumblr, Mages-self-ships but I decided to upload it here too

Becca knew some of her friends were closer to the blackened than she ever was, and wanted to comfort them, but she had bigger concerns, which is why she was currently outside the door to Kazuichi’s room. The former was worried about him, especially after his former crush got voted as the blackened and executed not even hours prior.

Hearing his sobs from outside the door hurt Becca, but she knew she couldn’t just leave him. After a deep breath, and a quick check to make sure the stitches on her midsection weren’t opened, she knocked.

“Kazuichi?” Hearing the sobbing from the other end of the door stop, Becca went and took a deep breath, quietly checking no one else was around.

“it’s me, Becca…can I come in?” Hearing what sounded like a door unlocking, she silently opened the door. Becca was worried, and not sure what to expect, but she certainly was not expecting to be pulled into a tight hug as soon as she walked in the door.

“Why?” Sensing a long pause, Becca grew slightly worried. He wasn’t the type to just pause like that, even when upset. Not knowing how to respond to the one-worded question, she merely settled for not saying a word and quietly playing with his hair.

“Why didn’t you tell me it was a decoy? I…I could’ve kept you hidden here, in my room, if you needed! I could’ve..I could’ve kept you safe!…Why did you tell Nagito but not me?” Becca blinked in surprise, not expecting that to be what he was upset about. Seeing how sad he was pained Becca, who gave him a tight hug and cupped his tear-stained face in her hands.

“I’m sorry…I should’ve told you..” Taking a deep breath to avoid crying herself, Becca continued. “..Nagito only knew cause it was him..He was the one who warned me. Gave me a heads-up so I could make the decoy in the first place..” Kazuichi slightly loosened his grip on Becca at that statement then went back to a tight hug after a couple seconds, burying his head into her shoulder.

“…when I found your, no, your decoy’s was like I couldn’t I was numb…I was terrified. You were just gone and I..I lost you. That scared me. I..I don’t wanna feel like that again..” Becca felt tears come to her eyes as she simply rubbed Kazuichi’s back in an attempt to comfort him.

“..I won’t let you feel like that again..and you don’t need to worry, I’m right here, safe, and not going anywhere…” Becca paused hearing noise outside of the door but it went away after a couple seconds.

“How about I stay here tonight?” Kazuichi relaxed and nodded the best he could, which brought a small smile onto Becca’s face, the latter being glad he seemed to feel a little better at the mention of Becca staying. Even if he wasn’t feeling much better it was a start in Becca’s eyes.

“I even brought that movie you really liked..with the cute robots..” Kazuichi smiled and lifted his head up from Becca’s shoulders, just as the latter pulled out “Wall-E” from the pockets of her hoodie.

“now go lay down okay? I’ll join you once I get this in the DVD player.” After some time, and an annoyingly loud dvd intro noise to boot, Becca got the movie working and went to lay down with Kazuichi, who was already hugging a pillow, which he ditched almost immediately to cuddle her. She smiled and gently squeezed him in a hug before going to play with his hair in an attempt to relax him.

“hey Becca?..don’t you do that again okay? I..I want you to stay safe you know..i love you..” Becca smiled and kissed his forehead, simply mumbling a “i promise i won’t..and I love you too” as they both eventually fell asleep a while later just as the ending credits started rolling.