over heat wave

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
1 616

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

honey makes a big posicle

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Chapter 1

Honey was trying to eat popsicles on this very, very hot day. But every time he tried, the popsicle would start nice and cold and start to erode and become a mish mash of sweet coloring and sticky water. Honey tried and tried again,but it just couldn't be done. As he tried to take every life hack, every 5-minute craft. Everything. But they would just melt. He then got a bucket, because his grass was starting to get way more sticky then normal he didn't want to make it forever sticky( a fear of honey’s for a long long time) .

Many times he tried to keep it cold, and it just wouldn't work. He tried different colored popsicles. The red ones, melted… the orange ones, melted…. The yellow ones, melted…. All the rainbow was in the bucket, making more of a black colorful sticky mess, something honey does not want.. He thought for a while then sighed… there was not that many things to do with a big bucket full of edible sticky rainbow things. All pacas seemed to be busy that day, and honey was worried about throwing it in a river. 

He then got a new idea. 

He then ran around and grabbed many sticks, all sticks. He tried to leave all popsicles in the freezer, because honey thought it was a lost cause.  He grabbed sticks, then dropped them, organized them, then left to go get more sticks. He continued this stick cycle, trying to get a lot more sticks. A lot of sticks are big and small, some medium, some off of dead trees, anything really that he could use for his brilliant, no problem, perfect problem solved solution.  As he got the last of the sticks, he thought about how this was such a good idea!

When he brought all of the sticks, he then organized them by color,size and tree bark. Sure it may have been a little tedious, but he needed to do that so he could fire out the best things for this amazing, no problem, no flaw plan. As he looked around at all of the wood bark, he thought about the perfect sticks to put in the bucket, and if they were stable, he kept thinking about if these sticks would be so perfect for this bucket. Many all the sticks may be cracking or peeling, but that doesn't mean that they count as holding a really long stick.

He then started to peel all the sticks so it could be smooth, because it would give honey splinters. He furrowed his non-existent eyebrows, as he thinked more and more. He then had picked out the best sticks from all the peeled ones, the biggest and the strongest could only be chosen for his plan, which had no flaws. He got them all stacked up as he brought the sticks over and put all down. He thought for 2 seconds,thinking if this is a good idea, about if there are any flaws.

 He put all the sticks in and looked at it before clearing out his fridge and putting the bucket in the fridge. He then had to wait, so he walked around, played with his bees, swang, played with sand and swam in a kiddie pool he blew up. As he waited, he thought about how much fun he was going to have with this popsicle. As he pulled it out and turned it upside down, he saw the biggest popsicle he ever saw, and all the colors swirled together as this licked it.

The sweetness hit him like this flaw in his perfect plan.

He had no one to share it with.