The Rabbit Doesn't Die, Strange

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
2 5627

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

Krites (and Lykos) meet Zoren (and Mytos). It... goes as well as you think it would.

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Chapter 1

"Yes, yes gather round, one and all, for the show is about to begin!" shouting from his small platform, a tall rabbit with a boyish face encouraged any that could hear to gather round as he had finished his set up for the show this evening. "Tonight will be the tale of a dashing young knight that came to the rescue of a dragon! How, why, where's the princess you may ask? Stick around and find out!" They were set up in a rather small town this time, so the crowd wasn't as large, but they were friendly and talkative. Though it wasn't likely to find anyone from the Chronoscape here, Zoren was still an entertainer that loved his job with or without profit. But profit made his nomadic life easier.

Mytos was helping out this time as well. The eye on his chest closed so he looked like a less terrifying star horse. His features definitely gave him away as a Dark Light hybrid. He was passing out fliers though, a carrier bag full of papers that he'd reach in to to hand over to passerbys outside of voice range. Not much of a talker, he merely handed it out to anyone that would take it, the kids made him sad sometimes because they wouldn't approach and pet him, but he merely frowned and moved on with life.

“This way!” The small quadruped dragon told his rider quietly. His soft voice was still picked up by the other due to his long ears and acute sense of hearing. The blond colored dragon was for once excited, that adorable glee that he would usually show when called pretty and told how nice he looked even with his strange eyes.

“Are you sure Lykos? It’s getting quite loud with the voices of the innocent.”

“Yes! It’s a little show! I-I think you will like it.” Looking back at his light colored rider in darked colored clothes, his rider just stared for a moment before nodding. He liked to see his dragon like this, it was a cute if rare occurrence.

“For you, I shall ignore the sins. Let’s go watch this show.”

It took them a little bit more to climb through the brush, finally coming out into a clearing where a lot of commotion was going on. Picking up one of the fliers, Krites looked it over. It was... colorful, sparkly, and feathery? A small map of a sort drawn on with a sword across a tower guarded by a feather dragon. It was an interesting sight, though to the rider it was on the childish side to him.

“Doesn’t it look interesting.” Remaining silent, Krites was still staring at the paper. His dragon staring at him with his multiple big eyes as his head slowly sunk down. Awaiting those words that said otherwise. Forcing a smile, he cared too much to be honest for once.

“Yes, let’s go sit and watch.” Tucking away his knife into the hilt, he knew it was best to put it away.

Calling Mytos back through their bond, Zoren was fairly certain the crowd was as large as it was going to be. Letting the last of the stragglers stream in with the return of the horse dragon, he wandered to the back behind the curtains. Making the final preparations, he gave the hybrid a quick brush to get them ready for their spotlight. For today, they would be the dragon he'd be saving! "Alright, go on, you can do it," he encouraged, knowing Mytos preferred side roles. They didn't have any time to hire temporary actors this time unfortunately.

Frowning more, the dragon took in a deep breath before huffing it all back out again. He had been practicing his light magic all morning for this show. Hooves click clacking against the wooden stage, he rose like the star Ren knew he could be with a little push. Clearing his throat, the dragon spoke with a properly deep voice that went with his dark features. "Welcome one and all, to the telling of Lillian, the feathered 'beast'!"

Of course, he'd be glamouring his own appearance to take the form of a wind dragon that didn't know how to fly. Zoren being that knight sent to s'lay' the dragon. Which, of course was simply fluffed over as the Knight monologuing on why the king wanted him to romance the dragon.

When it finally came to the dragon's introductory scene, it was rather over the top. With a layer of fog floating down to obscure the area while the scene changed to that of a tall tower in the mists. In reality this was all a cover while Mytos shared their story on why they were stuck in the tower as a dragon waiting for help down. It gave Zoren the time he needed to move into the crowd with the fog, picking out an innocent bystander to pickpocket that he could recognize as a stranger in the small town. Hopefully from the Chronoscape.

Standing near the back where Lykos has taken a seat. Krites wasn’t all that amused but he could feel those excited vibes from his dragon so he wasn’t going to wander off like he usually would. If he did his sweet boy was soon to follow, as he didn’t like to be left alone and far from his rider who’s tendencies did mean he was often quick to come and go and could accidentally get far without his dragon.

Folding his arms across his chest, the tale reminded him of those stories the souls he once judged would tell him. They were pleasant then, based off a reality that may or may not have been before their times or twisted recollections they equated to life experiences. It was a toss up when the turn of the centuries happened. Timeless, it left the technically old being still young in appearance and mind.

With his ears twitching as the other clapped at the show and speech upfront, his multiple eyes squinted in the smoke. There was something lurking about and picking at things that were not things of theirs. Pulling out his glimmering blade he started towards this thing. Using his more innocent appearance to his advantage, and his long sleeves to hide the blade that may be used.

"Oh woe, woe is me, being locked inside this tower! Not strong enough to spread my wings and fly!" Mytos had taken on the form of a sleek wyrm with feathered wings and long talons, his colors still bleeding through the glamour thankfully weren't a problem. He wasn't a master of his magic, but at least it was the colors instead of the physical traits that he couldn't control as well yet.

Going on about his weak constitution, he explained his dire situation to the crowd, waiting to be executed, as his rider was sneaking around in the thick clouds.

Nicking what interesting items he could find, Zoren wasn't exactly after coins and purses. No, he specialized in stealing trinkets and interesting items from the chronoscape that could be sold in those nice dark alleys. The person he was specifically after had a peculiar sort of watch that had four hands. Someone was sure to be interested in such an oddity. Thinking himself making a lucky break in this small town, he was just heading back to stage to continue with his act when someone stood in his way. Someone with something shiny and very much not what he was looking for glinting in their sleeve as they blocked his path back. Sure, he was dressed up in small pieces of leather armor as his role of 'knight' but that didn't mean he was a fighter.

Trying to pretend he very much didn't notice that blade tip with his thieving eyes, he smiled and tried to make his way around the other in a hurry.

Wagging his long tail back and forth as he watched, Lykos noticed his missing rider once he walked away. That connection felt farther than before and left the skittish but sweet dragon worried. Getting up, he trailed after the other two, finding Kri easily where he leaned against his leg before raising a fingered ‘paw’ to tug on his pant leg and silently ask what was going on.

“What is the knight in shining armour doing out in the crowd?” He asked softly, not wanting to draw the attention of the young ones who were still filled with so much innocence. Not moving out of the way and if anything right into their way as they tried to move past.

“Maybe he lost something?” Lykos suggested, but knew his rider wouldn’t approach anyone unless he saw something he didn’t like. Though cruel at times, he was not all that people friendly.

“Hmmmm, maybe. Maybe he happened across a few ‘lost’ things.” Kri ‘suggested’ in a way that has Lykos’s ears droop, innocent like the children. “Maybe the shining armour knight should return the item, would be a shame to crush the fantasy for the kids.”

“Oooooo, yes. That sounds nice. The kids would like that!” Excited, his large ears perked back up, his multiple eyes looking at the other in their sweet ways even if he wasn't sure they could be seen.

Chuckling nervously, Zoren tapped a finger to his chin. He was a thief, but he knew when to let something go when he was caught. All he could really be thankful for was that this person didn't want to cause a ruckus in the crowd as much as he didn't want to be in that ruckus. "However did you know?" He mused quietly, glancing down at the strange dragon with many eyes that was a stark but adorable contrast to his dragon with very few.

"Mayhap you'd like to hold on to it for me my fine sir. For I can hear my appearance will soon be needed~" Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the watch that was still ticking away with its funny hands. "Of course, I can't take it on the stage with me, it might get damaged." He failed to mention exactly how he found the 'lost' item, but that didn't seem to be necessary considering the other knew one way or another. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll return once the performance is over to show you who it belongs to." Bowing to the taller male and smaller dragon, he tried to move past them once again as his own dragon started lamenting about how they wished a knight would come to help them down.

Holding out his hand to take back the trinkets the other had collected, Kri sighed and reached down the free hand to ruffle Lykos’s fur as he motioned them back to the crowd. He was by far not a people person, but things had to find their way back to their owners. Softly he laid on that sweet charm, asking the crowd in a polite way that didn’t distract many from the show. A sweet smile as he apologized so kindly for being a bother as he wandered through.

Lykos joined in as well, closing a majority of his eyes that made him more clumsy but he was easily distracted by the show, occasionally sitting down to watch the stage where the pair were. It was a wonderful tale to him, but he didn’t get a lot of time to indulge in fantasy stories.

Back on stage in time for his que, the rabbit knight stood tall and dashing as if he hadn't had that heart racing moment that usually came with getting caught, even more so when knives were involved. As the show was drawing to an end, the knight and his new adorable dragon wife took their bows hand in claw. The curtains drew to a close, but instead of letting the crowd dissipate like normal, Zoren came around the back still mostly dressed up. Only the helmet was missing so that his long ears could stand up more comfortably.

It attracted the kids attention, a small horde coming to surround him asking him about his pretty feathered wife. He told them there was one more secret mission he had to do before they could really have their happily ever after. A side quest that was bestowed upon him behind the scenes. Letting a couple shake his hand and touch his ears before he left, he wandered over until he found the tall male that stood out quite a lot. "Hello again my fine sir! Did you happen to find everyone yet or do you still require my assistance in returning the lost items?" With a big innocent smile on his face, there was clearly something mischievous about the rabbit, but that was also just his natural aura.

Making his way through the crowd, many items made their way back to their owner with sweet words. He was however left with one final item that no one claimed. A strange looking pocket watch with many more hands then it should have. Turning it back and forth he didn’t know quite what to do with it, no personal engravings left on it at all so it was merely lost. Tapping the glass, he looked up at the partially dressed male without the helmet.

“Mostly, I’m left with this strange watch.” Showing it to the other, he didn’t leave it out long enough for the other to reach out for it. Putting it into his pocket right near the knife, partially just daring the other to try and take that away. Part of him wished they were alone or at least away from kids but the rabbit eared male was safe. For now, being previously a judge with no need to settle down, he was left wandering often through the world in search of a reason to be here.

“Kri! It’s the knight! Ooooo!” Lykos told him excitedly, heading towards the pair and extending himself onto two legs until Krites took him into his arms so he could learn closer. “Hello knight! Where is your dragon?” He knew it was a play, so it wasn’t real, but he was still an excited young dragon who just loved the happy ever afters even if not true.

Indeed about to reach out for the watch in the most casual of ways, Zoran was left with disappointment when it was instead put back into the other's pocket a second before he could. Aaaw, that was his favorite prize he had lifted in the crowd too. "Mmm, what a pity. If no one stuck around to claim it though, I'd be more than happy to continue the search for the owner myself. You must be busy with other things no~?" the coy, toothy smile still on his face, the rabbit blinked when that excitable dragon with all the eyes scurried up again. Bowing to them again, he reached out the hand with a solid black patch covering it. "It's a pleasure to meet you again! I'm sorry I didn't have the time to introduce myself before, I was in quite the rush. My name is Sir Usagi. Unfortunately I've had to let my wife rest at home while I complete a secret quest to return a watch to its rightful owner." Pointing up at the tall fellow holding them he went on, "This gentleman was kind enough to hold on to it for me while I was rescuing my beloved!" He didn't seem put off by the strange looking creature at all. Considering he had a horse with two mouths, one of them having an eye inside, Zoren had certainly woken up to more terrifying things when they snored next to him.

“I think i will take it with me.” Short and simple, only the sweet but not innocent dragon distracted him and earned that more sweet smile as he nuzzled into their tan fur. He loved the naive things that were so kind even if they shouldn’t be, he loved how clueless they were to the world.

But not innocent, Lykos was far from innocent as he had followed his rider through some of the most bloody situations. He knew his rider was harmful and it was always a toss up of would hey find one of those sinful beings he didn’t like. THe kids were a good deterrent though, and the town small and sweet seemed so nothing went wrong like he thought it would.

Giving Zoran the biggest of eyes though, he was confused by his words. Of course knowing the difference between reality and fiction, his head tilted with his floppy ears.

“Why would you marry your dragon though? Do you lewd your dragon? Kri, are you supposed to lewd dragons? Are you going to lewd--”

“Shhhhhh, it was a show. He’s still in character.”

Going a bit wide eyed at the dragon's words, Zoren blinked a few times, his long ears going forward as if he didn't hear that right. Nope, he was pretty sure what he heard though as the rider cut their dragon off. Not one to hold back his laughter, it was a good thing he was still bowing as he burst out in a fit of giggles. "Oh my, well, some prefer that, but the mister is right. I suppose I don't need to be in character if you can see through me so well though." He had thought the adorable dragon wouldn't understand that side of life, more than surprised that they went immediately to ask about the lewding aspect, but oh boy had that been a treat. He was still smiling that entertained grin as he straightened.

"At least let me help you find them, won't you? I dooo know what they look like after all~" Not that he'd be highly willing to point them out if he did happen to see them walking by.

Petting the worried dragons that didn’t want to be lewded by his rider, he loved his crazy caretaker that loved him just as much but he didn’t love him THAT much. Even without his grand display done he understood, mostly due to those past memories that were shared with him so he understood why he was like the way he was. He knew there was emotion, he knew it felt nice when it was good, and he knew it drove people to do stupid things when it wasn’t.

“Does everyone not? Fairytales aren’t real...” He was a sweet boy, but not young at mind like the kids.

“Some kids like to believe.” He was told, set back down so he could stretch out and look around to the thinning crowd that made him feel a bit nervous. If they were alone then Kri might stab the other. “I suppose if you want to help it would make up for the wrong you did.” Krites grumbled, all for fairness even if he didn’t want to be at times.

“Aw yes! Friends! This will be fun!” Lykos told Kri who just squinted at the rabbit male, grumbling a bit and starting to walk off. His dragons was happy, it was what mattered.

Well, he supposed he'd have to watch what he said around the definitely not innocent dragon, but they seemed nice enough. Their rider, mmm, was a nice guy? Definitely reminded him of the phrase 'Daddy's Girl' instead it being 'Daddy's Dragon' another thing that made him snort. The pair was entertaining and had something he wanted from the Chronoscape so that was all that mattered for the moment. He might be caught, but there was still that chance that he might be able to get the item back.

"Oh yes, thank you for this blessed chance to redeem myself kind sir~" he sounded sincere at least, and certainly happy for the opportunity, even if he was more so happy to get that chance to steal the item back. Looking from the grumbly male, he looked down at the dragon, kneeling down. Making a circular motion with his hands, he whipped a flower out of thin hair. "Everything's always better with friends, here, a dandilion to celebrate our new bond," Whether human or dragon Zoren was still a fun loving flirt. "Let's hurry and catch up before the grumbler gets too far away."