Racrar Exodus

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
2 1750

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

My enties for the Exodus to Racrar event

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Part 1

Alora awake, much earlier than Cecil, as per usual. Him and his beauty sleep, he always sleeps in till the sun is at its peak. Very rarely does she see him awake before then. Alora was minding her own business when a certain little Garxie suddenly popped up in front of her, who also jumped back in surprise.

"Jeez Vovaz! Don't scare me like that!" Alora exclaimed in a hushed tone, she didn't want to wake Cecil. She's learned that it causes him to get cranky and its better off if she doesn't interrupt his sleep.

The garxie just giggled and flew around her a couple of times. She never knew how Cecil met him or why he even puts up with him, just that they go way back. She can see why they might get along though, Vovaz was covered in gemstones and seemed to show it off to her and any of her other friends he's met. Much like Cecil, who showed off his own looks quite frequently.

Vovaz halted in front of her face, it seemed like he was going to land on her face but instead he motioned for her to follow and zipped away down the corridor.

"wait!" Alora called out, still making sure to keep her voice down.

Alora was sort of Cecil's adopted little sister, he had found her stranded and alone and decided to take her in. After convincing Vovaz that is. They lived in a small cave system that was connected by many tunnels, navigating through it took some time. She'd gotten lost on many occasions, and still does lose her way sometimes now. But with Vovaz just in her line of sight, she found herself in Cecil's room. Luckily, he was still asleep. She scanned the room for the little Garxie, spotting him on top of a book. He appeared to be trying to pull it towards her.

"The book? You want me to grab the book?" Alora whispered. Vovaz nodded and stopped trying to pull it, instead sitting on top of it and waiting for her to grab it. Alora tip toed across to the book, and quietly made her escape back out to the caverns. After a few minutes she found herself back at the main area. She set the book down and looked to Vovaz.

"Ok, what did you want to show me?" Alora looked at the boom puzzled. Vovaz said nothing, and just started to flip pages until he had found the page he was looking for. He stepped back satisfied, and gestured for her to read. . . . . . I was resting in my usual place, a nice nest of mostly flowers and a few patches of dried grass as usual. I was about to doze off when the sunlight suddenly was closed out by thick, grey-purple clouds. I flinched as the lightning stuck, but to my surprise, there was no sound. I don't know what the meaning of this is, will Racrar be ok?

. . . . Alora stared at the book after reading the passage, then it clicked.

"Vovaz! This is his diary! I can't go snooping through this!" Alora exclaimed. "I'm putting the book back" Alora turned around, but as soon as she started walking she bumped right into something. Or, someone.

"woAH" Alora was knocked over, the book sliding across the ground.

"Oh sorry Alora, I didn't mean to scare you" Cecil stood in front of Alora, he towered over her by a good foot or 2.

"Cecil! What are you doing awake?" Alora scrambled up, shaking off the dust.

"well, I saw a certain little Garxie" He glared at Vovaz, who only giggled in response. "Was trying to grab my book."

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was your diary!" Alora blurted out. "Vovaz lead me to your room and wanted me to read am entry from it, I didn't realize what it was!"

"Hey Alora calm down, it's alright. It's not really anything personal, I haven't written in it since inwas your age. Don't worry about it." Cecil found Alora adorable when she was flustered. "What entry was he having you read?"

Alora grabbed the book from off the ground and set it down in front of Cecil.

"Something about lightning with no sound? And something called Racrar is mentioned, what's that?" Alora curiously looked at Cecil.

"Racrar? That's the homeworld to Flyena's, did you never hear about it?"

"Homeworld? But Irridia is our homeworld"

"It is now, but it wasn't always. That purple lightning mentioned in the book, we're not sure what it was but it definitely had to do with the demise of Racrar" Cecil was genuinely shocked that she'd never heard of it. Then he remembered that him and Vovaz were really the only ones that she talks to outside of her other few friends, so it's actually pretty likely she'd never heard of it.

"Demise? Can you tell me more of what happened? Please?" Alora jumped up in excitement. She loved it when Cecil told stories, no matter what they're about. He seemed to carry an interesting life, or at least he exaggerates enough to make any story fun.

"Well since you asked so nicely~" Cecil cooed. "I guess it's a good way to tell you how Vovaz and I met"

"The purple lightning struck the ground, but no sound was heard. It looked beautiful, the sky lighting up. Almost as beautiful as me~" Cecil grinned.

"Oh shush and tell the story" Alora groaned.

"Not too long after, everything started to just, die. Over the years everything just kept getting worse and worse, even the Slyryks were dying. Eventually they went extinct. It was getting more and more difficult to find food, I had to leave my home in search for a better area but no where else was better. I started to loose all hope"

"Why was it all dying?" Alora asked, tilting her head to the side.

"We, we don't know. It just happened so suddenly. But after years in the waste lands our homeworld had become, we found these.....gateways. They were always in dark areas, crevices of caves and things like that. They swimmered with bright colours and appeared to be swirling, and you could see small glimpses of a beautiful world full of life and beauty. Those are what brought us to Irridia. I remember looking at it and just feeling all my hopes come back to me, like there was a way to save us. But before I could inspect it more, this little prick bit my nose" He turned towards Vovaz, who only snickered at the memory.

"What happened after that?"
