Chapter Summaries - Chronicles of NeoPaneruga

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
19 15407

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Just summaries of all chapters - used to be stored in dA journals but ... you know.

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Act 1 Summaries

Act 1

Chapter 1: Heading for Golden-Star
Someone attacked Golden-Star. Everywhere there monster appear with the ability to explode! Silver goes there once again to help his friends. While sleeping he teleports to Between World where he meets the Silver-Star cat Cheater and another friend he calls J.B. who seems to train teleportation. Silver is not returning from Golden-Star where he helped his friends evacuate everyone into the underground.

Katinka receives a family treasure from Katy: A collar. She uses it to teleport to Golden-Star to find her father.

She joins the Golden Patrol.

Chapter 2: The royal Patrol
Katinka meets Tiffany and her pack. She learns about Silver´s death and receives his Ring from Marlin. Marlin shows her the place where it happend. We learn about the main place being called Paneruga and that Silver-Star also has a main place with this name. In the center of the place is a statue of Silvery.

Chapter 3: A Princess among Warriors
Two Orakuhs escaped from a ship they were prisoner in. They tell the Golden-Star inhabiters about their escape and decide to join Tiffany´s pack. Katinka makes friends with some cadets and meets Velo. She also learns about the Gnawers of Golden-Star.

Chapter 4: All Power to the Weasels
Marlin´s pack uses Silver´s ring to teleport to Cybaxie where they meet the Redtail-Command.

They learn about a weasel pack that betrayed the queen and now claim to be the dominant rulers.

Gina andTiffany agree to play prisoners.

Chapter 5: The Dream
Gina and Katinka have a dream in which they see each other on a lake. The lake mirrors their faces but Katinka´s face was mirrored with Gina´s face and the other way around. They meet Silvery who tells them they will protect them from Scroop´s hypnosis.

Chapter 6: A stupid Idea
The Golden Patrol and the Redtail-Command sneak to the palace to prepare for battle after they receive news from their spies. Charly and Shiro are mentioning their leader to collect gnawers to have a big feast.

Katinka plans to rescue the gnawers on her own and get´s catched.

Chapter 7: Children of full Moon Shine
Speedy and Piccolo run to the dungeons to check on the Queen. Meanwhile Luhra returns to the others and tells them what happend to Katinka.

Scroop plans to spend the night with Gina to celebrate his new position as ruler of the planet and to beget the first litter of strong crossbreed-blood puppies with her.

Tiffany tricks he so he choses her instead of Gina. Before he can come too close to him Katinka was brought to him by two of his weasels. He tries to hypnose her but it doesn´t work. Yet Katinka pretends it worked. Piccolo is not aware of the situation and starts an attack. Meanwhile the cybaxian army returns and battles the weasels. Katinka still plays to under Scroop´s hypnosis and let two weasels bring her back to the dungeon. On her way she escapes thanks to Roxur.

The packs are fighting the weasels together. Katinka, Zando and Pax are entering the palace to help Tiffany.

Scroop hypnotizes Tiffany and orders her to attack her friends. Zandlo soon is under Scroop´s control too. Pax fights him while Marlin still fights weasels outside of the palace. Katinka´s opponent seems to be the hypnotized Tiffany.

Chapter 8: Battle in the Palace
Katinka holds back while fighting against Tiffany. Pax also gets hypnotized and when Marlin finally arrives he has to deal with Zandlo and Pax. Scroop once again tries to hypnotize Katinka. He then notices it does not work and is confused.

Roxur comes to help fighting against Tiffany.

After the hypnotized dogs are defeated Scroop threatens to kill Gina. Then he thought it would be way more fun to watch Roxur fighting her so he tries to hypnotize her which does not work. Roxur attacks him, he tries his hypnosis again but Katinka quickly scratches out his „outside eye“.

With the eye his powers are gone. Now he realizes Katinka is Silver´s daughter. He starts to threaten everyone and get´s stabbed by Roxur.

Chapter 9: The first King
The Golden Patrol spends some time with the Cybaxian Royals. Lascar, Tiffany´s father tells them Destiny wants him to bring them to Planet Genesis so they follow Lascar to a lake in which a portal is said to be waiting for them.

© JB-Pawstep