Manta Backstory

3 years, 9 months ago

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Manta - Male - 23 - Canine - 7’1”

Life and Personality 

Manta is a young adult, who lives alone in his 2 bedroom house. He is fairly reserved and not approached often due to his height and husky appearance. He is the manager of a local tool supply shop and gets paid an average wage. Mantas closest family includes his cousin, his cousins wife, and their young daughter which is the light of Mantas life. 

His lifelong mission is to be her favorite uncle, he has a love for children despite his offputting demeanor. One day he wishes to have a family of his own but he isn’t one for romance, and has trouble finding people that are willing to put in effort to know him and accept him. When you get close he starts to open up and is quite friendly and kind.


As a child Manta was often spoiled by his parents who were upperclass business owners. He was always under surveillance because of a gene in his family that causes gold fur veins to grow on their bodies. The pelts are very valuable in the black market due to its rarity, so in his younger years Manta was solemnly allowed out on his own. When he was old enough to attend high school his parents allowed him to attend a public school as long as he always kept his gold fur covered and took self defense classes for his saftey.

He was raised to stand up for others as he would want them to do for himself. When Manta got old he wanted nothing more but to have a normal life just like anyone else so he attended community college and got a job with average wages and bought a small house outside the city.

When his parents passed away he was left with a very large inheritance, and in an effort to locate more family Manta found his cousin and his cousins wife, as well as their toddler daughter who formed a very strong bond together.