Sima items

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
1 408

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

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Chapter 1

x1 May 2017 Staff Custom

x1 2020 staff customs (April)

x3 Staff Custom (March, April, June 2020. Unlim. rare and under)


- Bee Fuzz x3 - Adds fluff to a Sima’s ankles or chest/neck

- Ladybird Beetle x3 - Gives your Sima spot markings

- Actual Fleas x3 - TRADED TO VII

- Insect Antennae x5 - Adds up to four insect-antennae-like whiskers to your Sima [option of either the butt, just below the jewel guard, or the head]

- Lizard Shed x2 - Smooths out a Sima’s neck fur

- Firefly Jar x3 - Gives a Sima the Firefly jewel

- Tattered Bee Wing - Gives a Sima chibi insect wings

- Golden Buttercup x2 - Guarantees a kit with an uncommon mutation in your Sima’s next litter

- Mysterious Spores x2 - Change your Sima’s pupils to a flower-like shape, leaf-shape or more like multiple dots

- Flower Petals x3 - Gives a sima flower or leaf like marking on their body

- Morning Dew x3 - Change a Sima’s sclera color to a color of your choice [affects both eyes]

- Pokey Brambles - Gives your Sima uncommon sized claws


x1 Red Ribbon - gives your sima common-uncommon hair.

x1 Shoulda Put a Ring on it - Gives a sima energy rings like saturn.

x1 Leftover Costume Dye - Changes the color of your sima's eyes and jewel to a single color.

x1 Box of Edit O's - Gives a sima a single uncommon edit of owners choice, Can not change jewel type. Multiple can be used on a single sima.

x1 Blue Potion - give simas whiskers

1x Taffi Gummy Worms - [uc] candy colored dreadlock hair edit

1x Ghost Peeps - [r] ghostly aura/glow + paled fur

1x Possessed Fruit - [r] poison fog out of mouth, [c] solid black eyes

1x Love Potion - Adds a heart marking to your Sima-- the color must be on the Sima's color palette. Potions can stack.

1x Purrfect Treat - Gives your Sima whiskers to a common degree.

1x Heart Lollipop - Changes your Sima's jewel shape to heart-shaped.

x1 Rare Trophy of the War Chief - Gives your Sima either a rare set of custom horns, or a legendary set of horns. Rarity will be rolled by staff.

x2 Mortar and Pestal - Changes one color on your Sima's existing color palette. May be stacked to change more than one.