Auryns' Tale

5 years, 9 months ago

Auryn. The name itself revives an age-old fear in sea-farers. Many legends surround this powerful creature, yet none have ever been truly proven. Most sailors must pay a tithe to get through her, yet others only need a song. There are those who insist she is a sea serpent, while others claim to have seen her as a beautiful lady. It is the topic of many arguments, as neither can be proven to be entirely true

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Auryn. The name itself revives an age-old fear in sea-farers. Many legends surround this powerful creature, yet none have ever been truly proven. Most sailors must pay a tithe to get through her, yet others only need a song. There are those who insist she is a sea serpent, while others claim to have seen her as a beautiful lady. It is the topic of many arguments, as neither can be proven to be entirely true. While none know the true story of how she came to be, many have accepted a theory. The theory is quite interesting, indeed. Most sailors know the tale by heart, as it has been told many times. It is said that when the world was quite new, a sea dragon fell in love with a siren, their unholy bond resulting in Auryn. Some say that Auryn fell in love with the serene yet strong nature of the sea, deciding to protect it for all of eternity. It is believed that she slumbers deep in the ocean, until she feels the water ripple from an approaching ship, which wakes her up to collect tithes from the sailors.

As the sunlight cascades through the surface down to her home, Auryn slumbers peacefully. The place she calls home is littered with bright and colorful coral reefs, which attract many creatures. The time spent underwater has affected her appearance, as many fungi have found her scales to be the best place to live. She does not mind them, for they do no harm to others. Her scales shimmer beautifully when the sunlight bounces from them. Etched into her body are runes upon runes, many of which are not understood by any who see them. Some believe that her runes have something to do with protection, while others believe they act as seals. It is believed that the sea dragon once carved those runes, giving them power like no other. Near her place of slumber is a cave, filled with the tithes she has collected over the years. There resides a huge mountain of gold, mixed with silks and pearls. Often times said treasures are left alone, for few wish to anger her.

Those brave enough to challenge her rarely survive to tell the tale. Their fates are unsure, but most assume the worst. To challenge the mighty beast is a foolish decision, born out of greed for treasures. They rarely listen to the old tales of brave warriors and dragons facing her and never returning. Or at least not returning the way they were before. Those that do return, often times wish to not speak of her, cowering at the mere mention of her name. As such, tales of what happens remain as unsolved mysteries for all of eternity, existing only between Auryn and the one who challenged her. Many wonder if such tales will ever be told by someone. Archivists, historians and scholars all wish to know the truth, yet few seek her out for answers. None know if she’ll answer questions about it, for few are brave enough to ask the mighty beast of legends.