Beanie Buffet

3 years, 8 months ago
937 1

Sasha's beanie, Latte, is a ravenous little monster. { ARPG Memory }

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What a terrible way to wake up! Sasha was greeted by the feeling of an animal drooling all over her face, and opened her eyes to come face to face with her dear beanie, Latte. He was even more excited than usual, chewing on a lock of her hair. She figured he was hungry, so she gathered the little guy in her arms, trying to get him to calm down as she walked to the kitchen.

Her home wasn’t particularly impressive, just a humble cottage outside the main town, with enough room to house all her little critters, and enough room to lend space to anyone who needed somewhere to stay for a bit. A perfectly comfortable place, she put her beanie down on the floor, reaching up to find his favorite snack in the cupboard- coffee cake! She always made huge batches of goods for her pets at a time, and then would safely store them to pull back out later to feed them throughout the week or so. Latte was practically trying to crawl up her side to get to the cake, and Sasha had to bundle him up in her pouch so she had enough time to actually get the cake out of it’s container for him. 

The little guy was on the food in an instant, gobbling it up faster than ever- and expectantly looking at Sasha for more. She sighed, and reached back into the cupboard to grab another slice, too weak-hearted to say no to her dear little pet. Latte spun in a few circles on the ground, hopping up to try and grab the cake, successfully knocking Sasha to the floor in the process. She hit the ground on her back, and the cake hit the floor beside her. By the time she stood back up, it was already gone- and the beanie was begging again. Sasha didn’t know why he was so greedy today in particular, but she wouldn’t encourage it! She tucked all the cake back into its container, and put it on the highest shelf in the cupboard, then patted Latte’s head and headed outside to feed her Catterfly for the morning.

By the time she was done grooming her mount and came back inside, her entire house was practically in shambles. Latte had not only gotten into the cupboards and eaten all the food she’d prepared for her other pets, but he’d also started tearing through her fridge! She had to find him, and calm him down, before he ate the whole house!

Looking around her home took a while, and the coffee beanie was nowhere to be found! Sasha was starting to get worried- what if he’d tried to get somewhere and got himself stuck?! Thankfully, her worries were put to bed very soon after they’d begun, since she looked out and saw her poor garden in ruins, and the culprit was still pawing at her produce box. She rushed outside with the intention to catch him, but Latte saw her coming and sped off towards the barn instead.

By the time she caught up to him, he was trying to eat her wishing weed! The poor little spore was crying for help, and she had to pull Latte off of them by force- which she felt absolutely terrible about, for both the little weed and the beanie. She scolded him as she tucked him into her pouch, and tended to the sad little weed for a moment before heading back inside with her misbehaving beanie.

She sat him down in the kitchen sink, with the threat of a bath, and wiped her forehead. He was obviously hungry- and she had to accommodate for that. She returned the beanie to her pouch, wrapping him in a baby blanket to keep him comfortable, and headed into Cafe Central.

After shopping around for a bit, she gathered as many ingredients as possible, with a few promises to Jack to repay him, and returned home. Spreading her groceries out on the counter, she put Latte into the sink again, since he knew to stay still so his ‘bath’ would be over faster. Sasha silently thanked whoever would listen for making it so animals didn’t like getting clean.

Now it was time for the real work- she dug her recipe book out of her room, and flipped through it, putting tabs on anything she thought her beanie might enjoy. After a bit, she had everything she wanted to make- enough to fill anyone up for weeks!

After measuring exact amounts for all the ingredients she would need, Sasha started the hardest part- preparing all these things at once. She had to make the fastest ones first to keep her little monster satisfied, and after hours of prep and her poor oven overworking itself- Sasha laid out about 12 different dishes, and just prayed that it would be enough to calm Latte down.

The beanie worked through the food as fast as he had earlier, with newfound excitement after only getting small treats and some batter while Sasha was baking everything. It took a while, but he finished everything she’d set out! Thankfully- no one could feasibly eat that much without getting a little weighed down, and the beanie started to calm down. Sasha wrapped him up in his blanket and took him into her room so he could rest, while she worked to restore all the food she’d had stocked up before this adventure.

She’d have to go find Behr or Pippa and ask about this tomorrow...