Official Buisness

3 years, 8 months ago

Bit of a warm-up!

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Author's Notes

it's been a long time since i've written cut me some slack BUT give me feedback!!!!

Izzie stood outside the building, pedestrian traffic flowing around her. Two giant windows flanked a big door, with what seemed to be a hand drawn sign hanging over it. "OPEN!" it screamed, surrounded with little hearts and sparkles. Izzie sighed and stepped into the cafe, and the outside world fell silent. She stood at the end of a large room, and the sound of bells, silverware, and light chat hit her. Girls in maid outfits traversed the tables, smiling and laughing with the patrons. Izzie stood there for a moment, until a maid came over, a smile plastered across her face.
"Welcome to Triple Blossom Daemon Cafe, I'm Lilly, how can I help you?" Lilly stood shorter than Izzie, wearing a purple and white maid outfit, two small purple horns poking out of her wavy hair.
"I'm here on official buisness." Izzie said curtly. Lilly's face changed. Offical buisness meant trouble. Offical business meant closures and legal issues and restriction breaches.
"Bullshit." Lilly fired back. "You guys were here last week. Show me some I.D" Izzie rummaged through her pocket and pulled out an DAEPRO I.D card, where her own face stared back, sober and serious. Lilly frowned.
"What do you need." Lilly handed the card back and wiped her hand on her apron, as if it had been contaminated.  
"Ellie James." Lilly didn't respond, only continued to look suspiciously at Izzie. "Level thr-"
"I know what level my maids are." Lilly interrupted. "I'm just trying to think what she could have done. She's one of the best ones here." She sighed, and turned around. "Come with me, we have some rooms in the back."  Trying not to stare at the maids around her, Izzie followed Lilly to the back of the cafe, where behind a velvet curtain was a simple break room, with a couch, some seats facing a long mirror, and quiet music playing.
"Wait here." Lilly said, and disspeared behind the same curtain. 

A few moments passed, and another daemon entered, shorter than Lilly, with soft gray hair just reaching her chin. Her eyes were narrowed, suspicious, and she walked in slowly.
"Uhm, take a seat." Izzie motioned at the couch across from her. They were seperated by a low glass coffee table, where an old, stale cup of coffee sat next to a dog-eared book. "You are Ellie James, correct?" Ellie nodded, frowning.
"I haven't broken any restrictions." Ellie stated. "I know you have some record to keep track of us." Izzie shook her head.
"I know you haven't." Ellie's face softened. "This is about something else."
Reaching across the table, Izzie handed Ellie a photograph. It seemed to be a picture taken of a DAEPRO registration card, listing Jackson Smith a level 3 daemon, with a headshot of a handsome boy. He looked like he didn't belong there, his face too fragile, his eyes too big.
"You know him, right?" Izzie began. "You've posted pictures of you two together."  Ellie nodded, fingering the thin paper absentmindedly.
"He vanished a week ago. Didn't check in with his DAEPRO officer. Breach of restrictions." Izzie said, trying to keep her voice serious. "Do you know where he is?"
Ellie's face changed. She smiled a bit, leaning back into the couch and looking at Izzie with more curiosity than fear.
"Level three is a hard place to be in. Not too dangerous, not too safe. You're a coin flip." Ellie smirked. "Of course he ran off. Probably to canada or some place. Check the airports."
Izzie sighed.
"Of course we've done that. So he told you he was leaving, and you didn't notify DAEPRO officers?" Ellie chuckled.
"He didn't tell me shit, hun." Izzie tensed. "It's not that hard to figure out." She leaned forward, eyeing Izzie. "All of us want to do it.
"He's dangerous." Izzie retorted. Ellie froze, her eyes narrowing.
"Jackson hasn't hurt a fly in his life." She said, her voice growing deeper. Izzie felt the air in the sitting room turn colder. Environment changes, she told herself. Environment changes are a common trait of level 3 and above. "I'm not going to help DAEPRO with your little wild goose chase."
"I'm not asking you to do that." Izzie responded. She felt the air regain warmth. "You have to look at it from our perspective."
Ellie scoffed. "Your perspective? Try living with these things." She pointed towards the horns on her head. "You aren't even a person."
You're right about that, Izzie wanted to respond. She held her tongue. "I see there's nothing for me to gain from you." Ellie nodded. Izzie stood up, nodded to the daemon, and left.