Turtle - Worldhopper [Lore]

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
1 338

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Mild Violence
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I [Bio]

Name: Turtle [they/them]
Class: Wood Elf
Nature: Charm, Comprehension
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Divination: Deer – Child of Thalies | Looks to Thalies, Ombra, and Signi for guidance. | Patron Hero – Autumn Cleric (Healer)
Skills/Powers: adept at archery; worldhopper animation magic

Warmhearted, kind, and genuine, but doesn't talk much. Their personality  isn't too cheery, but not necessarily gloomy. Typically thoughtful and reserved. Even so, they are easily amused, and can be cheeky and mischievous around friends and favoured company.

Woke up to Calbet poking them with a stick, and has been rolling with the punches ever since.

Like the other worldhoppers they've met, they came to the world of Dappervolk with no memories. In hopes to find a place of belonging, began a destination-less journey, that led them far from Louise Hill. They put effort into helping kind people wherever possible.

Their name was coined one day as they were looking for tadpoles in a small pond with Calbet. No tadpoles were found, because their attention quickly turned to a small turtle on a rock. Calbet laughed and said "it's just like you!" In reference to their slow-moving, calm nature. He quickly started using it as a nickname, and Turtle liked it so much that it stuck.

Relationships [purely lore-wise; not in-game accurate]
Louise Hill:
Calbet's friend; happy to spend time with Lilia anytime. Unlikely to spend time with Fantasia without Lilia there as well: they just aren't that close yet.
3's Forest:
Enjoys Barclay's company, and finds Mycel's presence calming.
They tend to avoid Glume: her bossy princess-attitude and flair for the dramatic is exhausting. When they do come into contact, Turtle can't help but rattle Glume's cage.
Silvie's Mine:
While happy to speak with anyone in Silvie's Mine, only really spends time and is close with Visindy and Idra.
Aviar Cove:
++Astra, +Johaness ; doesn't enjoy the bustle of Lief or Pellier's business and disagrees with the motives. Avoids Carneau. A bit intimidated by Celestine's formality and poise.
Vaer Reef: [they will never go there, nor learn of it's existence]
Peddler's Port: —