3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
4 3262

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Logan's various first introductions to multiple people!

Note that this was early on, I wasn't exactly writing Logan as an alter yet so some terminology and name usage is confused and questionable.

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Davie ya done fucked up

oh yeah before i forget, davies gonna approach cheri at some point and just. quietly ask if she actually knows anything about crystals and their side effects kdmfkfm

Oh! Well she can tell Davie what she kinda knows from her own research since she
Constantly looks up random topics now

Just tell him how she knows its something only really common in the sector and that she had never heard of them until joining the factory
That crystals can be dangerous in many ways but one of the more common way is that the crystaled personas do somerhing drastic (like uhhhmm trying to eRASE THE HOST >:( )
She'll mention that based off the minimal info she could find, crystals are actually illegal in some ways, tho she cant confirm any of this info without asking around herself
She knows Oryn isnt gonna say anything but theres a chance the nurses might know? Since they gotta.. know some weird stuff to take care of factory only cases,,
One thing she's certain of is that overdosing is possible since too much of anything will mess someone up
And considering crystals cause bodily and psychological changes
Its only common sense at that point that too many crystal changes at a time can lead to permanent damage
See she sounds like she knows a lot but truth is she uses logic and understand to come to the right conclusions LOL

davie just nods along quietly to most of it and. laughs a little bitterly when she mentions overdosing "yep, i've, uh, figured that one out myself,,,,"

Cheri just kinda
Lightly sighs and nods "I figured as much... you haven't been doing so well ever since you've turned normal again."

just sighs at cheri like "yeah,, i haven't. thanks for your help, though.."


,,,,,idk if it was clear that it wasnt the normal davie talking to cheri there but i just had the dumbest thought of a follow up conversation like 2 hours later where regular davie comes and panickedly asks the exact same question lmaoooo

Cheri isn't gonna know tbh
So Davie coming back and asking again she just
"Oh you.. asked me that already Davie. Are you alright?"

to which he just sweats a little like "what the fuck. did i?? when."

"About 2 hours ago... Though you did seem rather.. quiet? Perhaps you were too tired to really remember."
"I can explain it to you again, I don't mind."

"...yyyyeah sure let's go with that." still looking freaked out af but hey he wants to learn what he can
after she explains what she knows/has figured out again he's probably going to just. quietly ask "what if your reversed self fuckin. comes back. without crystals. yknow. hypothetically. what would'ya do about it??"

"That doesn't sound like.. something that would normally happen but..."
"What exactly would.. "come back" mean?"
"Do you mean completely with flavour changes and all?"

"yeah it sure doesnt sound fuckin' normal, huh-- look i don't. i don't know bout flavor changes. i don't think so?"
"all i know is ya wake up and try and go about a normal fuckin' day an' suddenly ya realise the goddamn bastard version of you that nearly ruined your life is still hoverin' in your head and before ya can even finish rightfully flippin' your shit at the fact yer clearly goin' batshit insane it's 5 hours later an' yer at work with no idea how the fuck you even got there."
he takes a deep breath ".....yknow. hypothetically."

She's just looking at him listening and just
"This... isn't hypothetical. Is it."
She sounds serious and looks concerned

complete dry bitterness "wow, what gave it away."
and then a look of genuine sadness "sweet fuck, what have i done to myself"

Cheri just puts a hand on Davie's shoulder and looked just
Very concerned but soft
"It sounds like being stuck as your.. other self for so long made him stick around for good..."
"And I'm sure you.. don't feel okay with this at all."
"Have you talked to anyone else about this?"

he shakes his head. "you're the first person i've talked to today, but i can't vouch for... y'know. fuck. this is so messed up. what the fuck am i gonna tell people-- mikky don't need this stress, that's for sure."
"maybe it won't... be permanent... right."

"Shhh... Take a breath..."
Cheri's voice is soft and calming
"I dont know if this will be permanent... I don't know how this happened to begin with but... Please know that whatever comes of this and however things end up... I'm here for you. Mikky is here for you- you have people here for you... To support you... and help you get through this change."
Puts both hands on Davie's shoulders
"I dont know what will happen... but I do know that as long as we're all around.. you will be okay."

he laughs a little "i can see why mikky likes ya so much, yer a real fountain o' kindness. thanks, though. maybe it's best ta just... wait it out, see where the fuck this goes."
pauses and scratches his face awkwardly "c-can i trust ya to, uh, not go tellin' people bout this. 'specially not mikky, i should be havin' that conversation. yknow, at some point."

Cheri just soft smiles and nods
"Of course."
Lets go
"If you want to talk more on this, or anything for that matter, you know where to find me."

weak finger guns "i'll keep ya posted, i guess."