3 years, 9 months ago
3 years, 9 months ago
4 3262

Chapter 4
Published 3 years, 9 months ago

Logan's various first introductions to multiple people!

Note that this was early on, I wasn't exactly writing Logan as an alter yet so some terminology and name usage is confused and questionable.

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Then who tf are you

oh yeah i forgot but puck might be introduced to the other half of his green gremlin not-son some time this week which. im sure is gonna be totally not weird and awkward dmfmkd.
puck just gets this goblin awkwardly squeaking out 'hEllo im. not davie.' with a hand out for a handshake like. its done horribly.

Puck just
Stares at him
And then at his hand
Then back at him
"Then who tf are you?"

he just splutters like "oh crap i didnt think this far ahead"
"u-um. i'm. logan. me and davie share a... brain? body? something like that. it's, uh. a crystal thing. side effect. too many of them. m-mikky and cheri know me so i thought you should too!! cause you're. real important to me. us. heck."
hand is still out for a handshake
sweating bullets

The look at Pucks face at the mention of them fricken crystal
Like terrifying
Rage because he hates those things FUFUF
Hes just standing there trying to process this
Pinches his nose a exhales through his teeth
"Logan, is it?"

"y-yyup,,,," cowering like a tiny fool
puck u scary
the handshake has been retracted

Puck is veryyyyy scary and hes
...also very concerned and doesnt know how to properly express it? Sorry Logaaaan its nothing against you!
Its just....he really wishes Davie hadnt gone so far with the heckin crystals
"I assume I dont have to introduce myself then. Its....interesting to meet you, Logan. Sorry if I seem...hesitant. Its...complicated. This is complicated and I pissed at how complicated shits gotten recently"
"I don't know how to react but I'm open to getting to know you, Logan. Just... be patient with me."

"Ahaha,, yeah, you're not the only one to be hesitant. It's,,, it's fine. Sure wish those crystals came with better warnings, h-huh?" awkward laugh

Puck quirks a brow
"Vocal warnings from your peers are sufficient sometimes"

"....................................point taken"
"i'm sorry i didn't heed them at the time. t..thank you for caring."

"....Wow you and Davie really are different people." Like wow an effortless, joke free apology
But he'd half smirk: "theres little Davie could do to make me not care. And you too by extension I suppose"

"huh, don't usually,, hear that out loud. from you." just a happy ol wiggle "w-we should catch up more!! ...guess you've got twice the payne to bother you now, ahaha,,"

"Double the dumbassery, I'm thrilled."
"This is my first time meeting...you? So I dont know what we'd be catching up on. But I'm in the mood for a really tall glass of alcohol. Or coffee. "

"i-i mean, you kind of have met me, because i'm sort of reversed davie? but not? heck, it's a real mess. i can treat you to some drinks though,,,, i can see why you'd want it,,"

Heck yeah, go hang. Get some drinks
Get to better know eachother
Maybe Logan will get that handshake

puck continues to be best dad

You have low dad standards