Climber's Journal

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
10 8148

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

aka a local lizard goes on adventures

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finding home

There was a brave new world out there, and Climber, armed with what little belongings he owned, was ready to face all the dangers that might come his way. The small lizard man had been wandering for a while, but he really wanted a place to call his own right about now. A hideaway from the safety of the world sounded amazing - especially after his last stash of belongings had been stolen by a pair of very angry finchfolk. Well, he had stolen one of their sewing needles right back, so... take that?

His musings were enough to distract him as he wandered through the tall grass of the patch of forest he had come across. Certainly there might be dangers out here, but Climber really didn't care at the moment. If anything attacked, he was going to throw some dirt at it and then climb a tree to get away from it all.

Actually, climbing a tree in general didn't sound all too bad right about then. The trees were thinning out, and he really had hoped to find a hideout sooner rather than later. Perhaps a quick surveying of the land was all he needed. Climber checked to make sure his few possessions were secure on his person, and then got to heading up. With the natural stick of his feet, it was a breeze to slowly make his ascent upwards. The branches slowly got thinner and thinner, but Climber was small enough that there was little risk of his weight snapping the tree.

At the top of the tree - or at the least, high up enough that Climber could see all in front of him, he paused, and gazed around. A huge, sprawling field spread out in front of his eyes, with bushes and paths and trees dotted here and there. What really drew his eye, however, was a quaint little building in the middle of the field, surrounded by potted flowers and produce. It was quiet and unassuming... and therefore perfect.

He could imagine who lived there now - likely an older person or two with a kind heart who wouldn't even notice a mischievous lizard making a home right nearby. Climber imagined all the free food and the safe place to stay out of the rain, and grinned. Perfect. A pity he didn't have wings to glide down there, though. Climber glanced down, and sighed. It was a long way back to the ground.

Once he did finish descending the tree, the lizard man brushed himself off and made the trek over to the house. At a quick pace, it didn't take all too long, though it still was quite the hike. He was used to running around in urban environments, and all this grass in his way was quite an odd change. But still, he pushed his way through, until he was at the edge of the property. The smell of flowers filled Climber's nose.

He snuck around the edge of the house, sticking to the shadows, until he saw a dark, broken window up on a higher portion of the rickety building. With a grin, he clambered up to the area, and eased himself inside with all his gear. Inside was a quiet, dark attic. It was a bit chilly and very run down, but clearly, whomever lived here hadn't been up here for ages.

Climber could make that work. He set to clearing out a little corner of the attic for himself, away from the window, and accidentally disturbed a few spiders, who thankfully were smaller than him and left him about his business.

It was a start, at least. Even though it wasn't perfect, Climber had a feeling that he wouldn't be disturbed while he hid away up here, and really? That was all he needed.