Loneliness and Joy

5 years, 9 months ago

Boredom. Frustration. Rage. Misery. Loneliness. The last one, out of all of them, bothered him the most. He had been trapped for centuries within this circle, unable to reach the outside world or do anything other than pace uselessly around the edge. Not even the animals seemed to want to venture within his little prison. Birds flew around it, and deer walked past it without as much as a second glance. He had long since abandoned the thought of even growing a plant to keep him company - the last little sapling that had sprung up in the center of his ring a few weeks ago was nothing more than a brittle husk now, as dry and dead as the grass that once grew around the edge of his prison.

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Boredom. Frustration. Rage. Misery. Loneliness. The last one, out of all of them, bothered him the most. He had been trapped for centuries within this circle, unable to reach the outside world or do anything other than pace uselessly around the edge. Not even the animals seemed to want to venture within his little prison. Birds flew around it, and deer walked past it without as much as a second glance. He had long since abandoned the thought of even growing a plant to keep him company - the last little sapling that had sprung up in the center of his ring a few weeks ago was nothing more than a brittle husk now, as dry and dead as the grass that once grew around the edge of his prison.

He groaned as he completed yet another lap around the outside of his miserable circle. He despised it. Couldn't they have at least had the decency to give him a bit more room? His hopes and ambitions were as shrivelled as the plants that surrounded him, withered from years of being relentlessly crushed day after day. He didn't know how much longer he could stand this. Frustration boiled within him, as well as a silent scream that threatened to tear itself from within his throat. He clenched his hands into fists, shutting his eyes to try and quell the rising rage, but the moment his mind began to wander and he thought about his current situation it finally overwhelmed him.

His scream echoed throughout the trees. It was the sound of pure frustration, held in and hidden for so long that it could no longer be contained by sheer force of will. A flock of birds that had been roosting nearby took to the skies at the sound, and even after he fell silent he could hear it echoing throughout his head. He felt hopeless, and he finally sank to his knees, exhausted. Something had to change. If he had to stay in this terrible prison any longer, he felt like he'd go truly insane. Already his sanity was fraying like an old tapestry, the edges worn down and the once-sound weaving loosening with age. He couldn't keep this up any longer.

Von had been tracking this source of magic since he first detected it, and now it seemed like it was finally within his grasp. He felt elated yet terrified at the prospect of what he might find. His radars had detected an unnaturally strong spring of magic from somewhere within this forest several months ago, and since then he had spent his time fine-tuning his instruments and honing in on the exact location while packing his equipment to try and harvest some of the power emanating from this spot. Historically, sites with similar levels of magic like this one often contained hoards of powerful crystals, meteorites, or even ancient relics. The less scientific side of his mind worried briefly about the many rumours he'd heard about this forest, but he did his best to brush them off. Only a child believed in monsters, and he was a qualified scientist. There was no evil demon that lurked in the shadows of the trees, and he certainly wasn't about to get scared off by such whispers.

His heart skipped a beat when the MFD (magical field detector) in his hand began to spike with readings, displaying untold amounts of power nearby. It seemed confused, however. The needle that pointed him in the direction of the source was going haywire, pointing in every direction before finally spinning 180 degrees and pointing directly at Von. He blinked at it, then shook it, then finally cursed at it, but nothing would move the needle. He tried spinning around to face that direction but the needle staunchly refused to move, still pointing directly at his chest no matter which way he faced. It was as if something around here was designed to foil equipment, and he wondered what exactly was so worth hiding that its creators would be willing to place all these spells to keep it safe.

“I suppose I'll have to do it the old fashioned way.” He grumbled, but before he could take another step to begin physically searching the forest, a blood-chilling scream of pure fury cut through the silence. He spun to face the noise, dropping his MFD as he did so. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards the source. “If that wasn't caused somehow by this magic, I'll eat my research.” He huffed to himself as he ran. He had never heard someone express such pure anger before, and while most people would have been worried about their own safety, he couldn't help but wonder what on earth could have caused someone to sound so enraged. He had never heard anything so filled with emotion, and he knew that somehow it had to be connected to the magic that he'd been looking for.

It wasn't long before he arrived, puffing, at a strange clearing in the woods. His skin prickled with the strange energy that emanated from it, and he felt as if he were standing somewhere that he didn't belong. Even the trees seemed to bend away from the clearing, their trunks twisted and leaning and their branches straining for the sky. The grass itself was strange and discoloured, and he slowly moved forward, his mind entirely focused on studying the effect the magical field was having on it. He wasn't aware of how close he had gotten until suddenly he hit it- an invisible field, strangely malleable to his touch and humming faintly.

He gasped and looked up, but when he did he was even more stunned by what he saw. A pale man stood staring at him, his golden eyes wide with shock and his thin face frozen into an unreadable mix of emotions. From his back sprouted magnificent white wings, and two horns protruded from his head, one of them badly fractured. His ears were thin and tapered, and as sharply defined as the rest of his face. He was handsome, if a little alarming, and Von was a bit embarrassed that that was the first thought he had upon seeing him. The stranger stared mutely at him, his eyes finally narrowing, and then he took a step forward. He reached to his side for a weapon that, from the looks of it, had been missing for quite some time, and then leaned in towards Von with a look that could menace even the fiercest of opponents. “You aren't by any chance one of the fates in disguise, are you?” Von was surprised by the question, but quickly shook his head. “I came here after hearing you scream – it was you, wasn't it? - and I first entered the forest in an attempt to find the magic source I kept detecting around here. I suppose I've finally found it.” He smiled at the stranger, offering a hand more as a formality than anything since the wall separated them from touching. “My name is Von. I'm a scientist that researches magic and its various applications, as well as how to harvest it in its various forms. What's yours?”

Allegoy had no idea how to react to this man. First he comes running out of the woods as if a bear was chasing him, and now he was trying to introduce himself? His medium length wavy brown hair was dishevelled by the wind, and it fell over his black-brown eyes, though it couldn't hide the spark of honest curiosity that shone there. He seemed like a genuine person, even if his hair fell over his dark face in the most uneven of fashions and his glasses were askew on his nose. Allegoy raised a hand and then dropped it again, not even bothering to try to get through the barrier. “Mine's Allegoy.” There was silence for a moment, and then Allegoy smiled, though it disguised pain. “Aren't you afraid of the monster of the forest?” Von looked shocked. “Monster? You're not a monster! With wings like those, you're almost like an angel.” His honesty was endearing, and Allegoy felt his face heat up. “Far from it, but thank you.” He laughed, and then sarcastically beckoned Von forward. “Why don't you come in?”

He hadn't expected the other man to look so enthusiastic at the prospect. Before he could stop him, Von was pushing and grabbing at the invisible field, thrusting his shoulders against it in an odd-looking attempt to force his way in. Even more unexpected, however, was when the wall actually gave way, and Von came tumbling into his prison. Allegoy instinctively reached to grab him as the other man stumbled, and then looked in terror at him. “What have you done?” He hissed, and then he rushed to the wall, pushing and pulling on it wherever he could. Unlike how it had behaved for Von, the wall was as solid as stone, unmoving and unyielding. Von looked confused, and then reached for it himself. Like before, it yielded to his touch, melting like putty under his fingers and allowing him to push his arm through. “Is it different for you?” He asked, and Allegoy was silent for a moment as he processed this. So others could enter his prison. It would make sense, considering the fates designed it specifically for him- he supposed they just never accounted for anyone else actually managing to find it. He sighed, rubbing a finger over his temples and sinking back against the wall. “Alright.” He began, beckoning for Von to sit with him. “This is going to be a long story.”

He told him everything. Mostly everything. He glossed over why he was condemned, but he told the other man that it was the fates who had put him here for the rest of his days, forced to live in this tiny circle with nothing more than his own thoughts for company. He told him about how not even the rain seems to fall within this circle, and how he hadn't seen a friendly face in so long that he had forgotten what they looked like. He told him, as well, about how much the loneliness got to him, and even though he'd never meant to reveal this much, it just seemed to keep pouring out. By the time he was done, Von looked truly sorrowful. When Allegoy finally looked up at him, tears were pooling in his gaze, and Allegoy realized that his own eyes were even a bit damp. “I'm so sorry.” Von whispered. He looked around- his gaze lingered on the path that had been driven into the ground from endless laps around the edge of the ring, and then on the trees and plants that all faced away from the clearing, their leaves and branches reaching for something unseen away from them. Was it freedom they were reaching for? Von finally turned back to Allegoy, meeting his gaze again, but this time his expression was serious rather than sad. “I'm going to help you get out of here.”

Allegoy wasn't certain he heard him correctly. “You can't.” He finally murmured, though the thought made his heart soar with hope. Von was not to be deterred. “Then I'll visit you. Every day I'll come back. You don't have to be alone anymore.” Allegoy was about to protest, but Von cut him off. “If I was in your situation, I'd want someone to visit me. You'd do it if you were in my shoes, wouldn't you?” Allegoy paused to consider this. Although he'd only just met him, he felt drawn to Von somehow, and even though he knew better he wanted to see him again. He had known from the moment he first saw him that he was different, but he somehow knew that there was more than meets the eye with him. Finally, Allegoy nodded.

“Then it's settled.” Von confirmed. “I'll come back every day. I'm going to work on getting you out of here. There's got to be a way.” Allegoy didn't quite have the heart to crush his ideas, so he just smiled softly at him. Already Von was getting up to go, pushing himself through the wall, mumbling to himself his ideas about what he could do to open up the barrier. “I'll see you tomorrow!” Von shouted as he rushed away, and Allegoy waved as he left. He felt a strange lightness in his chest, and he briefly wondered if he would actually come back. The memory of the determination in his eyes still burned in his memory, and Allegoy smiled to himself. He would return. “See you tomorrow.” He murmured, though the other man was now long gone. It felt good to have something to look forward to.

Von came back, just as he'd promised. This time, he was carrying several pieces of equipment. Allegoy's face lit up when he saw him, and Von felt his chest flutter with excitement. He couldn't wait to try out some of these things to help the other man escape from his prison, though he unfortunately still had a very basic grasp of the magic involved. He set his tools down and turned to Allegoy, who was watching him with a smile, though he expressed his belief that it wouldn't work. Von brushed him off. He'd try everything he could, and if that didn't work, he'd invent new things to try - he told Allegoy as much. He also told him that if all else failed, he'd just visit him every day. He'd never have to be alone again. Allegoy turned away, but Von saw a smile grace his face, even if he tried to hide it. He set to work with renewed vigour. He didn't know what it was about him, but he knew that he had to try to help him. He felt drawn to him like he was drawn to the research of magic, and he knew within himself that he'd devote his life to finding a way to get him out if it came down to it. It pained him to see anyone so trapped and alone, and he knew that if he were in the same position, he'd want someone to do the same for him.

By the time he was finished experimenting the sun had long since set, and he was no closer to discovering a way to free him than he had been when he had first started. He pushed his way into the prison and flopped onto the ground with a heavy sigh. Allegoy lay down beside him, also exhausted from all the things Von had him trying throughout the day in an attempt to break through. They lay in silence for a while as they stared at the stars, and then Von sighed again. “I'm really sorry.” He said. “I'm going to try even harder tomorrow. No matter what, you won't be stuck here. I-” he was cut off by Allegoy's hand resting on his arm. “It's alright.” He assured him. “I haven't felt this happy in centuries. Anyways. Let's figure that out tomorrow. Look up!” Von followed his gaze as he pointed into the air, and gasped when he saw the fireflies that had begun to arrive from the nearby trees. “They've never danced above me before.” Allegoy mused. “Perhaps you're good luck.”

Von was silent, too enthralled by the dancing bugs to say anything. They dipped and twirled through the air, blinking out morse code messages to each other and searching for the females who hid in the grass, waiting for them to find them. Their patterns were mesmerizing as they flew through the air- the sky was a sea of glowing light. “It's beautiful.” Von breathed. They spent the rest of the night there. When Von awoke in the morning he was stiff and covered in beads of dew. Allegoy slept beside him, his face much more peaceful in sleep than he often looked while he was awake. “Sleep well.” Von murmured to his sleeping form, rising to his feet as quietly as possible. “I'll be back soon with some new equipment.” He slipped away in the mists of the morning, his heart and feet as light as a feather. He felt truly free, and with his help, maybe Allegoy could be too.

Von had been visiting every day as he'd promised, and Allegoy felt amazing. Although there had been no progress made in the 'escape' department, he felt as if he was escaping every time Von entered his circle to spend the day with him. Von always brought with him a new tool, sometimes an experimental one, and he seemed overjoyed every day that he came to visit him. Allegoy had never imagined he could feel so normal despite his living conditions. Lately Von even came to see him with a lunch packed, and they'd share it during the middle of the day. It was the first real food Allegoy had eaten in a long time. He felt as if his heart was soaring, and the affection he felt for his new friend was beyond anything he'd experienced before. He was so grateful to have someone to stave off the loneliness and madness that had been eating at him for so long.

He was still thinking this over when Von nudged his shoulder. “Hey, let's get back to work.” He rose to his feet and offered Allegoy a hand. “I'm going to try something new.” Von said as he pulled him to his feet. “I'll go partway through, and you can try coming right after me. It might work!” Allegoy felt skeptical, but he shrugged. “Let's try it.” Von rushed at the wall and Allegoy bolted after him, but when he reached out the wall was as solid as ever, taunting him. Von sighed, entering back into the circle. “I had hoped it might work, but I guess not. We can always try again tomorrow.” He seemed unusually dejected, and he looked up at the sky. Crimson fingers were spreading across it, and the colours of sunset were bleeding across the sky as it began to darken. It was time for him to go. “I'll see you tomorrow, okay?” Von gave him a sad smile, and then turned to leave.

Allegoy didn't know what came over him. As Von began to push through the wall he lunged forward, latching on to his wrist just as he made it outside. For a single moment, his hand was surrounded by pure, outside air- before he was forcefully pushed back within his prison by the barrier. Von turned, shock and joy spreading over his face. “Your hand!” He exclaimed, but then paused. “Why did you grab me?” Allegoy smiled meekly at him. “Can you stay a little later tonight?” He asked, and Von's face glowed with joy. “Of course!” He responded, and then he came back. Allegoy, in a moment of atypical affection, wrapped his arms around Von. Von practically knocked him over when he reciprocated. “I'm so happy we met.”

Joy. Peace. Contentedness. Love. Things he never thought he would feel again, and the last one was the strongest of them all. Despite being trapped for centuries within this prison, he had once again found purpose, and he marvelled at the fact that he had found love after all this time. For the first time in as long as he could remember, a smile stretched across his face, visible to even Von this time. With it, a glowing warmth spread within him, filling him with a golden, tingling feeling that overwhelmed his senses and made him feel as euphoric and excited as he did when he was a child. The future felt bright, and he was finally happy to see what tomorrow would bring.