(Non-cannon) 100th Art Piece Contest Entry

3 years, 8 months ago

This is a non-cannon fan story that someone had made for a contest I was holding for Celeste’s 100th art piece!

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"Come on we are going to be late!"

"Wait I forgot one of my bags!"


I scrambled back up the stairs and down the hall to my room, the second door on the left, as I looked around one last time for the break I felt a deep excitement inside me, being away from home the first time, I'd been away before but not this far for this long, all the way in California! it was gonna be a long spring break without a phone.

A woke with a jolt as the car was entering the camp grounds and passed over a speed bump, I heard Max wimper in his kennel but he probably just needed to pee.  The drive didn't bother me other than being annoyed from being woke up I was used to it by now.  We came to these camp ground every chance we could get, even on spring break. We screeched to a stop, I hopped out of the car and started unloading things like the tent, our pillows, blankets, air mattress, grill, with all this stuff we might as well have a camper, this wasn't camping, camping was a tent, sleeping bags, cooking over campfires, fishing, gettin dirty, stuff you are supposed to do, but not my family. Ever since my parents moved we have been posing like the perfect little family with out big house, dog, and not divorced parents some would say we were perfect, but there isn't such thing as being perfect.

"Yes Celeste?"
"Can I go to the lake, it's not that far from camp."
"I don't know honey it'll be dark in a few hours and I don't know how I feel about a teenage mare being in the dark woods at night."
"But it's only over that hill?"
"No Celeste."
I huffed and crawled into the tent, I can't believe we had to share a tent, it was big but I need my own private space. I got mad when my dad told me to come eat, he isn't a very good cook and I was not in the mood to put on my happy face and pretend to eat the food and like it.  I called to him and said I wasn't hungry, and he didn't object to it, my dad is a real bad arguer.  
I tried to think if things to do because I knew my parents wouldn't be done eating for about an hour because they talked more than the ate and there was nothing in the meantime to do, and I foolishly didn't bring any activities because I thought this time would get different, but I should have known.
I don't know how long later but I was tired of waiting, and so I slipped out of the tent, waited until I was out of sight and ran as fast as I could until I reached the lake and never looked back.  When I reached the lake I felt a cloud of boredom wash away from me, this was gonna be fun.  It wasn't much, a rickety dock, a few rusted boats, and a rope for swinging into the water, but it was memories.  I flew over too a big tree and sat down there taking in the light breeze and listening to the wind rustle the leaves, it was like art, there was nothing big or artificial about it and I loved it just like this.  I watched a few birds chase after one on other and it reminded me of when I was young and would chase butterflies through the yard trying to touch one.  Just as she finished that thought, she coincidentally saw a few butterflies seeming to some nearer, she stood to her hooves and trotted over to examine them. They we're all a light pastel color, one blue, one purple, one pink, and one green.  She didn't recall the species at that moment but as night crept closer she didn't feel so scared of the dark anymore, she found the butterflies to be great company and one even graced her nose with it's beauty.
Oh no it was here mom.
"We're have you gone Celeste, your in big trouble missy!" She yelled in the near distance.
Ugh, she thought I never get time to myself she thought.
Before she ran back though, she looked back one more time at the creatures, they flapped in a way that she thought read "Don't go-". But she knew it was silly, she also knew another thing; she would be back again.
"Until next time my friends." And for a split moment she thought she heard them say-
"Until next time." And she smiled as she darted away.