Neon backstory / information

3 years, 7 months ago

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N. E. O. N.

Neural Engaged Operation Network. 

Neon was created with a single task: the elimination of a single target then, afterward, blend into society. During his operation, he was attacked. By whom, he does not know, but after the attack, he was severely injured. The damage was severe enough for him to lose data of the target and his mission including the current year; his origin dimension; background info; and who created him. He awoke in a small town, clothing torn, and deep gouges in his frame. He managed to repair himself at the cost of losing his abilities, leaving him with very few, which tax him greatly to use. He remains a loner, working contracts and hiding out in small towns as he builds an identity for himself using his acronym for his own name: “N.E.O.N.” During his mental redevelopment to gain a personality, Neon fell into what most people call a bad crowd and became mischievous, using his abilities to toy with things around him to create small bubbles of chaos for his own personal enjoyment. Due to the lack of physical maintenance he needs to do, he mainly lives out of his personal vehicle, a Russian all-terrain truck, only needing to shower once a month to get the world’s residue off and brush his teeth regularly to get any remaining food material out to prevent any possible sickness 

Neon is nearly seven feet tall, making small spaces hard for him to stand in, and comes in at a hefty 500 pounds. After losing his personality matrix, he has adapted to a “21-year-old” mindset. With the futuristic nature of his composition, Neon’s clothing has the ability to transform into different outfits and styles. Along with weaponry, he can use tentacles, which form from his body. During these attacks, a fault of his clothing is shown: his clothing glows in a pattern that resembles a circuit board.

He can control electricity, allowing him to not only toy with electronics but also to send a shock or a surge of electricity at an attacker. Using this, he’s able to send city blocks into a blackout, though it requires a lot of energy to do so. He can use this electricity to recharge himself, but it’s less efficient than simply eating. All of his abilities drain his energy, which can be recharged by draining power from other devices, eating, or sleeping. 

He can control a person’s mind, but only in 5-minute intervals. This drains a lot of his energy.

Due to his injuries, he cannot access his full shapeshifting abilities. Currently, he can only change his genitals, breast size, and piercings. If he tries to do more than this, he may injure himself further, possibly taking him offline for a few hours, or even several days.