The Three Heroes of Light

3 years, 10 months ago
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Three Heroes of Light have been chosen by the Pumpkin Pendants!

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There are many prophecies out there- some mention bringing balance to a metaphysical power that is barely understood in the first place while others put way too much pressure on teenagers to defeat a dark lord who only became an issue because of incompetence. Regardless of what the specifics are, all prophecies are usually pretty vague so they can’t really get anything wrong. This one is no different- it tells of three heroes of light: a human, a monster, and a princess of darkness that shall go forth and save the realm from the forces of evil using the power of these ‘Pumpkin Pendants’. Or at the very least, have bitchin’ thematic costumes for Halloween.

First is the human because… alphabetical order, I suppose. This particular human is a young man with a keen perception (when he can remember to pay attention), an endless determination (when he’s not too tired), and a good heart (unless you’ve pissed him off). A man of fire and colorful attire, he already presents these qualities of a hero. The pendant bestows an appearance befitting of a hero upon him- a nice chestplate adorned with the symbol of the phoenix, colorful accents like a bandanna and bandages that really bring the outfit together in my opinion, a sword that’s eerie reminiscent of a gun he used to possess, and a thematic shadow over his eyes so he can be dysterious (dark and mysterious for the uninformed).

His reaction to this is muted unlike his general color scheme. “Huh, neat.” He thinks. And he’s correct! It is neat! Just because he’s chill with it doesn’t mean he isn’t satisfied. The man can appreciate the little touches that the transformation bestowed upon him. It’s almost like a ‘spot the difference’ puzzle for him as he sees what’s new and what’s old but changed from his usual punky attire. If there’s but one complaint he could possibly have, it’s that they took away his gun. His beautiful Mañana, gone from badass laser gun to a sword that doesn’t shoot lasers. A crime, really. After all, what is combat without laser fire?

Second is the monster who isn’t really fond of that term, but it’s thematically appropriate so I’m gonna use it. The monster is a strong young woman, unyielding, harsh, and tsundere as hell like the Russian winters she is so fond of. And yet- this stubbornness extends to her loyalty and determination as she uses her massive strength to protect her friends and persevere through hardships. Yes, she’s part squirrel and may have a mild case of lycanthropy (definitely pushing her into the monster category), but she definitely has the qualities of a hero. The pendant gives her a new set of clothes similar to the berserkers of Nordic past with spiked bracelets and a frazzled cloak. This is coupled with a huge battleaxe that seems to have taken the place of a certain motorcycle and a dark shadow over her eye so she can glare at people anime-style. As a little homage to her relationship with her boyfriend, the human, a sun belt buckle sits in the center of the outfit as a testament to their love.

Her reaction to this is, at first, pretty stoked. She’s got a badass new axe and spikes on her arms, no one can see her eyes until she gets ultra-pissed, and she gets to keep her cool hat to hide the shame of her damnable squirrel ears. Sure, her tail’s still out, but it’s a costume so no one will question it. If there’s one thing she’s a little uncomfortable with, it’s the sun belt buckle. Sure, she loves the human with all her being, but… does it have to be so damned symbolically obvious? Hope no one points it out or she’ll turn into an over-emotional blushy mess. Overall, she’s extremely giddy internally but she’s gonna act like it’s no big deal (gotta keep up the tough girl act, after all). No big deal whatsoever- until she learns that her beautiful motorcycle is now a wieldable weapon. Then she’ll be a tad extremely pissed.

Last but not least (unless you’re going by height) is the princess from the dark. A young and naive girl, baked as a cake and trapped in a tower for much of her early life. She’s sweet as cake should be and has the biggest heart out of the three of them (which weirdly enough, is really saying something). In summary, she’s precious and that gives her hero rights, so she counts as the third hero. The pendant bestows a cute little dress on the small precious bean, complete with giant ribbon and overly-sized wizard’s hat. It’s good she likes pink as it’s been smeared all over the outfit as if the costume is supposed to be bubblegum flavored. Anything not a part of the costume though has been shaded over to hide the cute reveal of her face in the storyline later even though we all know that the cute little cakebun is under there. Well, you can at least see her eyes and smile in the pitch black darkness of her face so that’s good. And as a treat, a star sits in the middle to symbolize the bond of friendship she shares with the hero.

Her reaction is pure- she’s so damn happy about this transformation! The bow, the hat, all of it! She’s going to show it to the human and the monster because it’s just so CUTE! It’s so comfy and warm and just overall wonderful! The star will also cause the little one to overflow with joy as she can show the human the symbol of their friendship and the power of their bond. The only thing that gives her a little hitch in her giddyup is the fact she’s completely covered in shadows. It may take her a bit, but she’ll discover it is the hat that does it and then proceed to get all hyped up on endorphins again as she finds her shorter hair just… peachy. She’s got no complaints whatsoever about this costume situation. It’s just a damn good time for the princess.

A relaxed human bathed in the fire of the phoenix. An angry monster awash in the cold of an ancient wolf. A princess freed from a tower and coated in sugary sweetness. And they are the three heroes destined to… go to a Halloween party. And maybe save the world. Or destroy it. Or maybe mildly inconvenience it. Hmmm… maybe this prophecy is bullshit. Who knows? The only thing for certain here is that their friendship will stand the test of time and possibly the Halloween party.