A Day on the Farm

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
10 7736

Entry 8
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

a collection of short blurbs & stories about Bapple's life on Darling's farm; their home & source of joy!

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Author's Notes

this piece was for the 'Self Portrait' prompt of Pacapillars!

Spring Beginnings

Another spring day, Bapple, now a friendly little farmhand for Darling, was helping once again with chores. It was a bit tedious and monotonous, though usually was rewarding after a long day's work. Darling was so kind to give them a place to stay, and food every day afterall. The least she could do is help with the various animals and crops.

Today though, it was time to weed and water the fields. Some crops have been planted already, seeds sprinkled into the earth and softly covered up in a blanket of dirt. Teeny tiny sprouts could even be seen with a few of the plants, eager to reach the sunlight already.
Not too many weeds today, Bapple casually brought along a basket to put weeds in, and a pretty little watering can to water the crops. Eventually, the weight of the water lessened, and the basket grew with nuisance weeds. Stopping to say hi to a few sprouts, or get a drink of water herself, Bap rested under a shaded tree deep into the field. Ah... today was a nice warm, not too hot. Though walking rows upon rows can be a bit draining.

Thankfully, their job was almost done. Getting up again and continuing, a few more tiny sprouts were found and whispered to. Maybe a few of these will be flowers sometime soon... hopefully not all carrots at least. Carrot soup was getting a little old, even if it did taste good whenever Darling made it.

"Ey!" Darling yelled over the fields to get the other paca's attention suddenly, "Come on inside once you're done with that row!" For a second she wondered why they'd be needing to come inside so soon. But once they looked around at the purple darkness spreading over the crops, she noticed how late it was getting. The time really slipped by they guessed! No matter, they were almost done.

"Alrighty!" They shouted back, with a beaming smile, and continued with the current goal. A few more weeds left, a few more waters. Soon they could feel the weight of today's chores though, and were quite excited to go rest inside. Of course, their little nubs were aching with accomplishment, and they were happy to feel the relief of a fun puzzle in the kitchen again.