Bug Catching RP

3 years, 7 months ago

With Yasuo who belongs to Chap/Chip.

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Location: Calico Woods Time of Day: Noon Activity: Bug Catching Kemata : Yasuo , Yclaoce

Chap/Chip: It was early noon in the lands of val-shenn and the birds were happily chirping in the autumn colored trees they've chosen to be their home. This caught the attention of a certain male as he turned his gaze to happily observed them fluttering about, only for them to quickly flutter a moment later. Yasuo's ears twitch as he wondered what could have disturbed them as he soon felt a pinch to his ear. With a groan he carefully removed his beetles mighty pincers before his attention is caught by a nearby sound. It was the sound of multiple leaves getting crunched under someones weight, yet he didn't see anyone about as he scanned the area that surrounded him. The sound grew louder as a nearby bush rustled in place. "Who's there." Deadpanned Yasuo, only to find himself flinching as a head popped on up from the leaves. His mouse loudly squeals as it hides in fear. As Yasuo tried to comfort his mouse he glanced back over to the bush revealing it to be none other than the enthusiastic bug hunter and collector, Link. Link tossed him a kind smile as he moved out from the bush, autumn leaves cling to his green fur. "Hey there! Sorry for spooking your mouse like that. Though I need your help with something." .

"Help? With what?" Yet, part of him felt silly even asking. Surely it couldn't be anything not related to bugs. Right? Links face told him he had been right as he sees the male smile even wider than before as he sees his nubby tails happily wag away. Damn. "With some insects of course!. I even brought someone along to come help too. Am offering opals as a reward." Yasuo rose a brow to this, his beetle was quite enough. Was bug catching really on the menu? It's as he was pondering of what to say next did his eyes widen at the word of 'opals'. "Opals?" Old habits die hard. Link grins as he seemed to have grabbed his attention. Giving a nod before proceeding to explain. "Mhm! You heard that right! I'll pay you both opals if you can help me find some bugs for my collection." As he waited for a response he peered over the bush whilst calling out for the other kem. "Yclaoce! I found someone you can team up with to help find the bugs!" Yasuo exhaled as his ears droop down beside him as he realized it had been decided for him. With a flick of his ear he thinks to be a bit more positive about this. Awaiting for the other kemata to appear.

MamylTheComet: Looking aroung her, Yclaoce could only see a sky full of bright orange, yellow and red leaves. Walking happily and jumping on some of them on the ground, she laughs at the crunching sound they make.

"I like the sound they make, Naos. I'm so excited to be here!" She said as she chuckled and jumped on one more leaf.

The red kemata stopped and takes a better look around her, spotting some birds in the trees, lezard on some rocks as well as unknown bug on the ground.

"This place is full of life. I wonder what we can find here.. Link told me there was a lot of bugs in this part of the woods."

The nezumichu nods and hids himself in the kemata's fur, keeping only his head out of it. Yclaoce was trying to follow Link's step through the bushes, remembering that the greem kemata told them she would have to team up with someone to catch the bugs. Hearing someone talking in the distant Yclaoce runs through a bush, hoping to catch up with Link. Unfortunatly some of Yclaoce's fur get stuck in the bush's brambles and she falls right next to Link, growling at her clumsiness. Two kematas stand in front of her: Link and another unknown grey and cream kemata. Who is that? Is it the person I'm supposed to team with? Getting back on her paws and removing some leaves from her pelt, Yclaoce cought and look at the grey kemata.

"H-Hi I'm Yclaoce! Did you introduce me, Link? Is this kemata the one I'm supposed to team with?" While talking Yclaoce wouldn't stop staring at the grey kemata. "What's your name?"

C: Gaze calmly turns to watch the rustling bush nearby as the dead leaves pile up below. Following the kemata that appeared soon after, watching them splat onto the ground beside them. Noticing that leaves have trapped themselves in their fluffy fur. Blue eyes flick towards the green male as he tried to help the female back up on her paws, but she had moved before he could bother to ask.

"Here you are, Yclaoce! Are you alright?" Coming from Link, showing concern in his tone. She had fallen rather hard despite her swift recovery. Link's smile returned upon seeing her already trying to chat with them. Chuckling some before he answered her questions. "Somewhat. Thought that's right, this guy will be teaming with you today." Granted he's unsure what his name even was, but better late than never. Yasuo glanced between the two as they spoke. He's kept his silence throughout all of that time. Ears perking up when he was finally asked, but for whatever reason it somewhat caught him off guard. "Oh. My name?" He tried again. "I'm Yasuo. Uh, and I guess your name was -" He turned his gaze up and left as he tried to recall what her name. "Yclaoce? I think.. At least that's what Link had said?" The staring was somewhat uncomfortable for him but he keeps himself composed nonetheless. She appeared to be harmless.Link gives a nod to this, content that they seemed to already introduce themselves to each other. So he thinks it was time to make his leave. "Yup yup! I need to go find some more bugs! Come find me in MapleTown when you're done!" Disappearing into a bush nearby to continue his search.Yasuo hums as he looked back over to Yclaoce. "We should uh .. probably get started?" Saying this as he wondered which spot to even start with.

M: Seeing Link leaving made Yclaoce a bit nervous. Not that she was affraid of staying in the forest but she didn't know anything from this Kemata apart from his name. Yasuo.. Funny how we both have a name starting with a Y. Guessing he was more of a shy person, she decided takes action. First, know more about him. Second, find bugs. third, (trying) to catch some! Feeling a bit more confident, Yclaoce takes a last look at the bush were Link disappeared and then look back at Yasuo, smiling.

" Yeah we should get started!" she said happily, a bit excited to see what would result of their hunt.Wondering if he knows anything about bugs, she decides it would be better to talk a bit about each other before actually catching bugs. Actually, she wasn't even sure of how to do so. Suddently Naos jumps out of the red kemata's fur and climbs on her head, squeaking toward the grey male."Naos, what are you doing? Yasuo is gonna help us to find bugs, please calm down!" she said, taking the small nezumichu from her forehead and putting it on the ground. "Maybe you also have a nezumichu familiar? Naos can be quite jealous of other familiars.."Walking up to Yasuo and still smiling, Yclaoce looks at the tree around her while listening to the forest sounds. Leaves falling or being crushed, birds singing.. and some sort of buzzing noise."Do you know anything about bugs? I like animals a lot but.. I'm not a huge fan of bugs, haha! I don't think I've catch any for a long time."Taking a closer look at Yasuo's body, she realised there's a small beetle attached to his fur. Like, really attached. Maybe it's even pinching him..? Knowing that would sound weird, Yclaoce keep her questions for later when they'll known each other a bit more.

C: Yasuo gives a nod once she's agreed before planning to walk, only to find himself hearing a bit of squeaking nearby. As he paused in his steps he turned to see where it came from, only to see a little mouse perched up on the others head. Oh, I guess she has a mouse as well. Yclaoce's reaction has him chuckling some as he found it amusing as it sounded like something he'd do with his own familiar.

He watched as Naos was placed down, ears perking up when he heard her ask the question. "Er.. I do actually uh but I think he's asleep right now." Lifting his paw to point where the small creature was napping. A small bump could be seen, and when he moved his hair it revealed the little mouse. Soundly sleeping despite Naos being jealous. Covering them back up before thinking to begin looking.His thought breaks however as he heard her ask something else. Having grown a bit comfortable as the chatter seemed to be related to the task or the familiars. "Um, no not really. I'm not as familiar with insects unfortunately." Yasuo raised a brow when Yclaoce was looking at something on him. As he did this he felt the beetles pincer pinch him once again. Causing him to flinch as he reached to grab the beetle as it angrily flapped it's wings in his grasp.He placed them in their case before shutting the lid with a sigh. "That's my hercules beetle. I'm um .. still in the middle of taming him, so he unfortunately pinches me from time to time." Yasuo didn't want to admit that it's been a few months since he's obtained them and he was still struggling to get it to listen. Reminding him that they needed to get to bug catching! "Uh, but i'll be fine. We should probably go find some bugs though." Wanting to get on task, but recalled Yclaoce mentioning a couple of things. So he asked this as he walked towards a bush. "What sort of animals are your favorite?" Thinking this would be a good chance to better his social skills as she seemed to be easy to talk to.

M: Quietly listening to Yasuo talking about his hercules beetle, Yclaoce realised how cute this tiny thing was. If it was tameable maybe she should try to get her paw on one of them.. Even if it would be hard, Yclaoce has already tamed multiple familiar and known many things about how to become their friend. Tho, she never saw this beetle and couldn't help Yasuo. Walking behind Yasuo and still listening to him, Yclaoce reply:

"I really like birds, they're so graceful and beautiful.. I like almost all kind of animal, there's just some I'm not.. confortable with." she sight and then decide to walk a bit faster to get ahead of Yasuo.This part of forest was more dense and add several holes in trees, knowing most bird would hide there Yclaoce tried to avoid them. I should try to think like a bug.. If I was a bug I would live.. Mumbling to herself Yclaoce suddently has an idea. Bugs were tiny and would probably prefer to stay on the ground, except if they have wings. Which would probably scrade both of the Kematas, including Naos. Starring at the ground while walking, Yclaoce finally finds what she was looking for."Yasuo, I think I got an idea! Maybe they can be some bugs under rocks or hiding in old, dead tree trunk? There's a bunch of rock in front of us and if we're not succesful I think I know where we can find dead tree trunk."Sitting next to the rocks Yclaoce looks at Yasuo proudly, waiting for him to reply to her idea.

C: Yasuo listened to her mention her favorite sort of animal as he crouched down to get a better look at the ground around the bush. Pawing as the ground to see if he could unearth anything. "Makes sense. I'm alright with most animals." The male is unable to find anything and briefly thought to take a closer look at the inside of the bush, only to remember his mouse was resting on his head. So he decides to move on as he moved out of his crouch. Yasuo flicked his gaze to search around the surrounding area, only to realize Yclaoce has walked farther into the forest. In which he turned to follow suit.

His fluffy ears pick up on her mumbling once he was nearby, but he couldn't quite make out what she was saying. The kems brow raises once Yclaoce mentions some ideas, thinking to hear her out before putting his two cents in. After hearing her out he can't help but give a nod once she turned to look his way. "Honestly that's probably a good idea. We've had no luck with the bushes from what it seems." The male gives a small approving smile before padding forward to take a peek underneath a few rocks settled beside her. As he did this a number of insects crawl on out. In which Yasuo tries to quickly trap the bugs with both paws, but some still manage to escape. It's in this moment that he realized that he didn't have anything to catch them with. "Uh um! I don't have anything to catch them with. Do you?" Saying this as he tried to keep a centipede from running away, while also doing his best to not crush it. I'd use my carrier for my beetle, but he might just terrorize the other bugs. I'm sure Link wants these alive and well when he receives them.

Total word: Rougly 2270.