Monster Hunting

3 years, 7 months ago

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It was still nightime and Yclaoce decided to go for a walk. Not knowing where her paws may lead her, her three familiars jumped on her heavy red fur before was too far. The sun would probably show up in an hour or less, making Yclaoce comfident. "I'm sure we won't see anyone! Who would want to mess with me anyway? I'm bigger than most kematas and it's not those city dweler who would come during the night in the forest." The three familiar, a pink nezumichu mouse hidden in her chest fur, a cream colored gecko and a marble tabby cat sitting on her back, nodded and started getting more comfortable. Only the gecko, a shy and easily scared familiar, would go hid in Yclaoce's fur. "I suggest that we go to the Calico Pond! I need some new moss and it's the best place to find some."

As soon as the small group of friends arrived at the Calico Pond, the sun started coming up in the sky. The stars disappeared ann got replaced by small, cotton looking clouds. Today promised to be a beautiful day! Once she got closer to the pond, Naos and the other two familiars jumped on the ground and started running toward the water. The ground was muddy as the very edge of the pond, so Yclaoce had to help her marble tabby cat friend by taking her in her mouth, partly because they didn't liked mud and partly because they were lazy. The cat gave the red kemata a please look before starting to leap the cold water. Seeing her friends enjoying the water, Yclaoce's decided to go look for some moss on the rocks around her. She spotted two big rocks, partially covered in mosses and started walking toward them. These rocks were a bit far from the pond, which wasn't allowing the kemata to hear her friends playing.

The moss was rather easy to take off the rocks. Using her claws to start cutting the roots and than using her fangs to pull the bigger piece she could, the red kemata ended up with a handful of large mosses pieces. Suddently, a screach makes her fur bristle. Yowling followed the scream and Yclaoce understood that her friends where in danger. Leaving the moss on the ground, she rushes toward the place her friends where earlier. Three big, evil looking snakes were whistling toward the three familiar. The cat was standing fiercely in front of a scared Naos and an injured gecko. One of the snakes probably already bit the poor gecko and two red dot could be seen on their back. Growling toward the snakes, Yclaoce jumps next to them, hoping to scare them. Unfortunatly, these snakes must have been used to seen kematas and weren't impressed by the red kemata at all. One of the snake, the bigger out of the three, jumped toward Yclaoce. Sliding on te mud, she managed to dodge it and catches it by the tail, sending him away with a fast head movement. The two others snakes glanced at each other before decided to retreat, slidding quickly toward the woods. Yclaoce's sight and took a closer look at her gecko's injury. It seemed like a slight bit, nothing poisonous at least. Putting her friends back on her fur, she decided to leave this place before any of the snakes came back. 565 words.