
3 years, 7 months ago

A brief glimpse of the beginning of Kev's journey: The end of her glory and the start of a new life.

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It looks like it might rain.

The sky is so much different from below. It's dark and wide, so vast and intimidating from this angle. There's an ache in her chest she has not known in a lifetime; it has a name she can't quite place. She tries not to dwell on it, her mind a rolling fog of forgotten memories and recent misery. There is a flash of light between the clouds, different from the streams shining through to speckle the field around her in waning sunlight. It graces the sky with sound a moment later and Kevahna closes her eyes, tries to remember what the sky looks like from above but cant see anything more than soft white slowly smothered in despair.

Her hands grasp at nothing first, clenching into fists, and then one moves to curl into the fabric over her shuddering heart. A heart- has she always had one? Had it always felt so terrible? Her other hand drifts over the grass beside her, feather soft blades slipping between each of her fingers and tickling the skin there. Slowly she finds a name for the feeling overwhelming her; something so utterly human that Kevahna is forced to accept her fate.

Heartache... her heart is breaking for a love she thought she would have forever. Kevahna can feel it even in her wings where they quiver endlessly against her back, struggling to find purpose. They have forgotten how to fly. Just an attempt to spread them brings so much pain and confusion that she stops immediately, letting the feathery limbs fall limp against the grass behind her. Scattered around her are the remnants of her struggle, of her fall from Grace. Feathers molded from gold and silver litter the ground and in their place on her back they have begun to grey and smolder, burning away one by one as her titles lose meaning, and her memory blackens further.

Something wet streaks down her cheeks and Kevahna wonders briefly if the storm has already begun. A single hiccup wracks her frame and she prays one last time.

How could this happen?