walking among ghosts

3 years, 7 months ago

written for a Halloween event for the NebNom group around 2020. Bob had freed some ghosts and now chaos is loose.

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it was still dark outside. not that you could often see the sunrise in space anyways, but still, it was way too early for this ruckus outside in the hallways. how could a dedicated procrastinator Munchkin like him sleep away his night duty when it was so noisy outside? Viviano was known for being a lazy bones, expectually when he needed to actually do work for once. He liked it more too just staying in his closed all day and night, not doing much. but Alfred, one of the Lab scientists, had asked him so nicely to cover his night shift for today and wanted to make it up for the small dark Munchkin with some sweets.

and he loved sweets, so much that it was easy to brib him doing this stupid night watch work. and while he was watching the lab for quite some time in the night, he just got so tired of it and the Lab closed looked just so comfy. so, that's how the Munchkin ended up crawling back out of sayed closed to see the chaos unfold. “well, shoot.”, he mumbled into his scarf over his bony teeth while his green glowing eyes looked up to the mass of ghosts that still poured out of the container, screeching and laughing eerily and would spook most of the other NebNoms for sure. “ah well….i think Alfred will be pissed….”, he mumbled more to himself while starting waddling forward to the container with his short feet. question was, who was so stupid to thing it was a good idea to touch anything around in a Lab if he wasn't a scientist and knew aktual stuff?

While Viviano looked still up towards the mass of ghosts, some tried to spook him and circled around the small Munchkin, trying even to touch him. “oi, watch your hands. no touching, just looking ´k?”, he hissed at one ghost that wanted to remove some of his clothing, but backed away when the small guy also started to let his bone Markings glow in vibrant icy green. “ok, I think I should inform the other scientist right?”, addressed the small one the ghosts around him, who were still baffled about the clamnes the munchkin had. “ah, shoot, i'm not awake enough for this, really….yo, ghosts, can you maybe catch ALfred for me? no?....what a shame...´k, then I saldy need to walk by myself huh?”, he tried still to communicate with the ghosts who just made weird sounds or looked at each other questionably.

without another word the Munchkin started to walk slowly and unmotivated towards the door to go and fetch at least one of the scientists so they could work on closing this tube. While walking, he heard a weak sobbing behind another door, not strange really, given that some of the ghosts also were sobbing or some of the distressed NebNoms trying to find a hiding place were also losing it quite quickly. but this door was locked from the inside it seemed. and the sobbing also sounded distressed and weak mumbling could be heard from the other side. could it maybe also be a scientist? some of them were still scary cats. with a sigh Viviano knocked at the door, the sobbing halted immediately, as if the person behind the door feared he could have been found. “oi, everything alright in there? you know, the ghosts aren't that scary or harmful right? well, at least i hope so. you maybe know who it was that let them out by any chance?”, He asked the door but didn't get an answer. “cat got your tongue? c´mon, speak to me. i just need to find one of the lab rats to fix this mess ok?”, he talked, but one of the ghosts tapped his shoulder again. “what now again? you found something?”, he asked the ghost who nodded happily. “ok, you hear me still dude? i´m going with this ghost here ok? seems he had found one of the Lab coat wearers. see you around and stay safe!”, the munchkin called before his little feet made pitter patter noises, following the ghost without a second doubt or fear. After Viviano was away the door unlocked and slowly opened, a still terrified Bob looked out of the small slit behind the door. his eyes puffy from the crying and his cheeks all damp from the tears. He really hoped the dark little Munchkin was ok wandering around the ghosts and also trusting them enough to let them guid him somewhere.