Meeting At The Lake Of The Sun

3 years, 7 months ago

A short chunk of writing with Wulfsige, whose thirst for life brings him face to face with someone who could take his own.

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    A gust of wind blew past Wulfsige, as the frigid air stabbed into his skin and fur like daggers. Trees drowned in snow that reached for the sky, and mountains that reached even higher seemed to be the only things surrounding him for miles. He wasn’t quite sure where he was, however, it was obvious due to the light he could now see coming from nearby houses, that he was not in the middle of an abandoned, frozen wasteland. Below, the radiance from the rising sun shimmered off of a still, serene lake, that of which rested right in the heart of the village. He had, without thinking, licked his chops in thirst; he couldn’t remember the last time his mouth had met the taste of cool, clear water.

    Water… I have a need for it. A want. A desire. It’s soft flesh contains what we all seek; life, and that is what I must take from it…

    On all four limbs, Wulfsige had picked up his pace to meet a fast trot. Although his mind was still in its beginning amnesiac state, the feel of soft, cold snow against his bare paw pads felt so familiar to him, as if it were something he had always experienced. It made him feel at home in this bizarre winter land.

    Soon enough, the snow began to shift to stone beneath his feet as he reached the frigid lake. A huff of annoyance had escaped him. Lifting a paw, he let it press onto the water’s frozen surface.

    I must have you. No, I will have you… somehow or someway, I will take your life, in means to sustain my own…

    With fangs bared, Wulfsige lifted that same paw to gain momentum, and formed a fist. Afterward, he let it come crashing down onto the ice, again and again, until cracks appeared on its innocent surface. The icy surface stung hot against his bare skin and fur, but he continued to endure through the cold, and beat at it until his fist broke through. The ice gave way to the chilling water, which his fist had dipped right into, and had been pulled out faster than it had fallen in. After licking the drool from his parched lips, he dunked his maw into the water to drink.

    The green-eyed werewolf had spent quite a bit of time drinking from the lake. So much time, in fact, that a human had come down from the village and caught sight of him on the other side of the lake. She held a bow and arrow in her hands, as her plan was to hunt for her village. Although she wasn’t trusted to be a hunter, it was a dream no one would stop her from following. She needed to prove to them that she could bring down any beast, no matter the size of it, or how many teeth it had, and when she had caught sight of the dark-furred werewolf, it only fueled her determination. She rose up her bow, and pulled back the string with an arrow. With silence and caution, she slowly made her way over to his side of the lake. The snap of a twig beneath her feet, however, had made Wulfsige’s head rise up in an instant. His greedy eyes met hers, and bore into them like fire into flesh.

    “What do you want, human?” Asked the werewolf, whose angry jaw had water and saliva dripping from it. She could only stare in what might have been fear, which irritated him when she didn’t answer his question. He stood up on his hind legs, reaching almost nine feet in height, and growled at the human in anger. “You dare point your weapon at me!? You dare think of taking my life, which I have done so well to protect? What a feeble-minded creature you are. Gaze upon the scars on my body, and tell me you can do what you can’t.”

    The girl continued to stare, although trembling from both cold and fear, she didn’t dare lower her weapon. Wulfsige studied her for a moment, before letting a chuckle escape from him. “You are not a hunter. You are useless, human.” He rose his chin up at her, as if waiting for her to prove his point. That of which she did, because she had lowered her bow to the ground in shame. Letting out a huff of disappointment, the green-eyed werewolf lowered himself to stand back on all four limbs, and without looking back, returned to the safety of the forest.