loop 2: leave a message

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
2 875 1

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

“ i love you. please keep living, for me. ”

pheme weissenhorn never expected her death to be anything but peaceful and standard. roleplay excerpts from off campus 7 and supply closet.

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supply closet

Jenny slips into the supply closet. He's been kinda asleep for most of the time he's been here, and when he's been awake, he's been trying to sleep. But a few minutes ago he woke up, and saw a missed call from Pheme. Knowing about everything, he's preparing for the worst case scenario, and giving himself some privacy. But it's not like that'll happen. He's just being paranoid.

"..This is probably the last you’ll hear from me...

Jenny freezes. Anything that he was doing, he stops. He's not even breathing. No.

...I love you. I wish I could spend the rest of your life with you, or at least...more than what I estimated. But…shit.

No no no.

regardless of when I die or however I die...I want you to live for me, okay? Live through this, whatever this is, and keep living afterward. Please. One of us has to.


I love you. Please keep living, for me.

Jenny's lungs betrays him by breathing. His heart betrays him by beating. His eyes betray him by streaming out tears, when all he wants to do is die. He should've been with her. He should've been awake, to answer the call. He should've done something, instead of just sitting there on his a// while Pheme died in a hospital. He stays on the voicemail. He listens to every second of the muffled inhuman movements, hoping futilely for Pheme to wake up and say she was just playing around. But it never comes. He knew it wouldn't. It was just the best case scenario. It's not like it would've happened. He's just being hopeful.

Upon the beeping at the end of the voicemail, he breaks. He begins to scream. Wails of pain, of grieving. He wants to run from here. Just run out of the school, let whatever was there rip him apart, and meet Pheme wherever she was.

But he doesn't. God, Pheme. You really did get to him, didn't you. He can't get the last things she said to him out of his head.

I love you. Please keep living, for me.

He continues to sob, holding his phone close to his chest.

Pheme, wherever you are...... He'll keep living, for you.