All Hallows Eve

3 years, 7 months ago

Aphelios is doing his normal rounds on the most spooky night of the year but a cry of an Auracorn changes his night plans

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Aphelios stepped slowly through the old woods. All Hallow's Eve. The night spirits returned to the surface and Anracorns ran rampant preying on unsuspecting prey. The guardian ducked down picking up a stray scrap of fallen fabric. Someone had been here before him. Haven had strict rules for this night. Most important was to be back before the border closed and not to leave unless you had important business on the surface. Most sane Auracorns would stay behind, safe in the Haven's walls, and far from the Anracorn's hungry jaws. 

Aphelios had fond memories of spending these cold nights in the Haven. His twin was obsessed with the human decorations. Their house was always fully decorated around this time. Lights and ghouls were strung up through the halls. Old scary movies would be playing on their tv. She always came up with a new 'spooky' recipe for them to try. Last year it was zombie fingers. An interesting concoction of bread and meat...but it tasted nice. Phel fondly remembered watching her hand out the leftovers to the children of Haven. 

But now. The house was silent. The joy had been drained and this holiday was nothing but a forgotten curse. 

Aphelios sighed dropping the scrap and continuing his rounds. If it was up to him, Haven's borders would be closed forever. He didn't want to risk anyone's lives to the outside world. He knew deep down he couldn't bear to lose anyone else. Distant howls peeked his attention. A weapon formed in his hand, quick light steps running through the forest towards the noise. 

Any normal Guardian would fear a fight with an Anracorn. But perhaps after losing everything one cared about, Aphelios stopped caring. If it was his time, so be it. 

Upon reaching the clearing he saw the victim, a bright purple patterned corn was cowering away from a beast of an Anracorn. Aphelios raised his weapon without hesitation, shooting a controlled blast into the beast's back. The Anracorn cried out before running off into the darkness. It wasn't finished, just calling for its herd. Aphelios made note of the direction it ran and how loud it cried. The pack must be close and he didn't want to stick around to fight them all. His bright purple eyes slowly looked over the other corn. He recognized her. Someone from the Haven. Of course, just his luck he managed to save them. 

Alora looked up from her hands to see Aphelios standing over her. "H-hi." A meek voice squeaked out from her. The silent Guardian didn't seem pleased with her. He and the leaders of Haven had made it quite clear to not leave the Haven alone and travel in groups. But he didn't make any move to scold her. A hand brushed through his hair before being offered down to her. Alora quickly took it, standing up and watching as Phel started to lead her back to the Haven. Alora trotted quickly behind him, unsure what to say or do around Phel. Despite living in Haven for years, Aphelios, their guardian, had barely said a word to her or well anyone. He always seemed lost in thought, the most words she had heard from him had been to his twin, who was long gone now. Since her disappearance, he hadn't been the same. It hit her that her disappearance was around now. Who knows how bad Phel must be feeling, all alone protecting the Haven by himself...

"Hey, Um Aphelios- Thank you for-" Alora started

The other's piercing blue and purple eyes glanced back to her, digging into her soul. She paused swallowing hard and silencing herself. His presence was too intimidating to make a proper conversation. After a brief moment of silence, Aphelios cleared his throat. 

"You don't have to thank me," Aphelios whispered, the weapon in his hand slowly dematerializing as they got closer to the Haven's entrance. "What were you doing out here? Alone."

Alora laughed slightly rubbing the back of her head. Maybe staying quiet would have been for the best, "It's a full moon. I wanted a good picture of it. Plus it's Halloween! I went out and got some candy from a friend. Do you want one?" Phel didn't show any sign of emotion as she held out a small bag of candy to him. The guardian paused in his tracks looking silently at the bag. Had no one offered him something before? He took a moment but eventually took one from her. 

"It is a nice moon. We're safe now." Aphelios gestured to the Haven's entrance before sitting on the old broken steps. He slowly opened the piece of candy looking it over. Alora paused in front of the Haven's entrance, seeing that Aphelios didn't show any sign of following her in. She could leave now and spend the night with the rest of her friends....but..

Aphelios looked to the side as Alora plopped down next to him. Alora smiled leaning back on the stairs, "You know that you aren't alone right?" Alora asked looking over to the guardian. Aphelios' eyes stayed focused on the candy in his hand, hearing her words but not believing them. 

"I know it's hard, being the sole guardian to a herd. know." Alora mumbled messing with her hands, "But the herd is still here for you. I'm still here for you. If you need someone to just um sit with I'm here." Alora said softly holding a hand out for the other. The darker corn looked over her hand, before popping the candy in his mouth. Cherry. He took a slow breath before laying back next to her and taking her hand, signing a quick thank you into it before enjoying the night air with her.

Perhaps this holiday wasn't too bad after all.