
5 years, 10 months ago
5 years, 9 months ago
3 1294

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 10 months ago

Explicit Violence

Notes From Salmhofer's book she owns since childhood: diverse subjets, from personal notes to magic experiments.

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Personal Note 1: to remember.

I have a name. Salmhofer Genevieve. I hate it. From now on, I shall call myself Salmhofer, or G. 

However, this note is for me to remember. I cannot forget my name. Mother gave it to me.

Note 1: basics

G Salmhofer; seven (7) years of age; born on      /    /        ; a hundred (100) cm tall (underdeveloped)

Sight is correct, Hearing is correct, Speech is correct (above average from time to time)

No malformation; Presence of scar on the left side of abdomen (gunshot wound) and upper back (“S-47” Code-name from the scientific project ME --magic enhancement--). Minor injuries here and there.

General motricity: correct; 

Side note: may cough up blood if under too much stress.

Current Magic status: stable, still flourishing. Could be compared to a born magician three times my age.

(Side note:  three (3) types of people on this earth -- all do possess mana, or magic essence, however, one group is born gifted with more mana than usual, can grow to become magician; the second was not gifted at birth but can develop magic abilities with enough training --rare; the third group is unable to do anything-- hence project ME.)

However due to poor training, not able to perform well. This should be fixed soon enough.


Practice: day fifty-three (53), manage to create and manipulate all minor spells to a decent level, as well as some medium and major ones. Problem is, major spells cause lots of stress on mana and body, resulting in haematemesis (vomiting blood). Trying to find a counterspell, or a strategy to avoid this. 

Personal note 2: I have been living with this family of five people ever since they found me near the river when i was four (4). They plan on making me part of their clan.  I love them, but i refused. I cannot stay with them, for I have to find my real father. I however promised to come back and visit them eventually. After all, it is thanks to them i survived, and began this quest of gathering knowledge about magic. I am grateful. I’ll head out tonight, and leave them a note, farewells aren’t agreable.