Altair and His Encounter at the Fall Jubilee

3 years, 7 months ago

Altair tries to enjoy the Jubilee for the first time and ends up getting lost.

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It was the end of summer and Altair was very excited to participate in the Fall Jubilee this year. It was his first time and he was lucky enough to get a costume. Most mantigems either made their costumes or bought them from the local tailor. Honestly it seemed a little obvious to pick a costume with an eye patch but it helps him blend more. He thought a healer was too weird so he decided that a pirate would be more fitting, it seemed cool at the time. Altair has always felt insecure about his eye gem. It made him stand out. But not at the Fall Jubilee. Everyone is in costumes and its hard to tell one mantigem from the other. Sometimes you could spot a magikata with their mantigem friends, but everyone mostly looked the same.

Altair tried it all. He carved pumpkins, asked for candy and participated in the many games held near the plaza. Even though the event had most of its activities in the afternoon, there were many things to do till nightfall. Special things were said to happen when the clock struck midnight. Altair haven't made many friends since moving to the area. Of course, this meant that Altair did not hear about the rumors about bad things happening in the woods.

It was about 9pm when he grew tired of the town activities. Altair was about to head home when he saw a purple shadow moving at a fast pace towards out of town. He wouldn't have thought twice about it, but there was a candy corn trail. Anyone who knew Altair knew he loved candy corn. Altair followed the shadow further and further into the forest until the creature turned around and grinned at him. That smile could give anyone nightmares, but something made Altair continue on the mysterious path that he just noticed. His brain was screaming that this was a bad idea, yet he was pulled further.

After a long walk, the mantigem was walking side by side with Altair until they reached what looked like an old cottage. The mantigem looked excited and pushed Altair through the door. Altair ended up falling on his knees in front of a blood red cushioned throne. On the throne was a mantigem with a big presence. Altair couldn't help but feel like he was caught in a trap and that the thing before him was very dangerous. Still, Altair chose to speak.

"My what pointy ears you have Sir". The Mantigem chuckled at this response. "And many eyes you have Sir. I have not seen many like you since I came here. May I ask what I am doing here?". To which the scary Mantigem nodded and replied, "Of course you may, but aren't introductions usually the first action of discourse young one? Also, as much as I like you trembling its hard to speak with one without eye contact. Stand up boy". Altair obeyed him and stands rubbing his left arm, obviously feeling uncomfortable being in a place he has never seen with a very dangerous persona. "Now, if you may know, I have many names but you may call me Tenebris. That shady fellow over there is my trusted underling". The underling grins a little too wide. "My name is Kix youngling". Altair looks at Kix, nods and brings his eyes back to Tenebris. "Very nice young one. Now I believe I said both eyes child. You seem to be looking at me with one. This is not fair when ALL of my eyes are on you". Tenebris gives a dark laugh and waves his hand for Altair to take off the eye patch. Altair of course obeys and is met with a smile from Tenebris. "Ah, so that is why you had the eye patch. Interesting. Well my one eyed friend, there is only two reasons for people to visit me....... They either want to strike a deal for a blessing or paying for my services. Now which you desire is up to you, but of course, it will come at a price. Choose wisely. I do not appear to others often. That is unless I gain interest. I barely get interested." Tenebris glares something evil for a second before returning to his "normal" expression.

Altair was really confused as why he is here and is not sure why he would make a deal in the first place. After all, what would he desire from a dangerous man? Surely he did not want to be in a scary place as this. But if this was a rare chance like he said, would it be wise to miss on this opportunity? Maybe he could have another eye instead of his gem, but looking at Tenebris, it didn't seem like a good idea. But he was a very weak mantigem and this could be his one chance to become better, maybe even normal. He wasn't going to waste this opportunity even if it seemed like the wrong choice.

Altair took a big gulp and took a stronger stance. "I want to be stronger, I want to change". Tenebris looked at him like Altair just became game, set and match. "Have you heard of a genie little one? My deals are like those of the mythical being, they like to interpret in a way unexpected. Are you sure you want the gift? It may come to haunt you". Altair grips his fists. "My life is always the same. I live a pathetic existence. I want to change and I am willing to put my life on the line to do so". Tenebris grins widely and starts walking towards Altair. "I am willing to try my luck on you child but I must ask, what will you give me in return for my power?". Like a child, Altair made the mistake of saying the one thing you shouldn't say to a God. "I would give anything". "Anything?", Tenebris asks. "Anything".

Out of nowhere a knife appears in Tenebris's hand. It looks to be smeared with some kind of purple salve. "What is that for?" Tenebris nods his head and points to Altair's tail. "I want you to cut out at least one gem from your body in exchange for my gift. Seems fair doesn't it? Great power for great pain. I will admit that the salve will help, but only a little. This action can only be done by your self. If you do this, you will gain power, if not, you will forever be stuck in your pathetic existence. But it is your choice. I am only giving you the tool to help". Tenebris hands Altair the knife.

Altair looks at Tenebris with complete shock. "You are saying I must cut a piece of me off? Why that sounds crazy! I mean, how could I???? But I can't go back now". Altair starts to panick and loses his ability to think clearly. Not soon enough does Altair rip the knife from Tenebris's hand, grab his own tail and starts to cut at his one tail gem. He screams loudly in pain, but his eye is already in swirls and his breath is raggedy. Altair has lost his mind. After a few minutes Altair lays on the ground as he loses consciousness, the gem not only out of his tail but lying next to the knife. Tenebris picks both up like he won a trophy. "Kix, wrap up his wound and send him home. When he wakes, he will be going through more pain than he has ever known. He will need his rest". Tenebris leans next to Altair's body. "I will see you soon little one. Welcome to the Dark Side. You will never be able to return to the light, well, not without my permission. Sweet Dreams my Twinkling boy".                                 

 To Be Continued...........