CYOA November 2020

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
4 3627

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

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Author's Notes

Prompt 2
The once beautiful morning has turned into a cloudy midday, and while you’re a little closer, you find yourself still unable to place the scent. You sit and take a breath, looking around. Seems like you have another choice to make.

++ The sound of a river call to you. The smell is just as strong as the other paths, but at least if you take this one, you can stop to get a drink or do some fishing.
++ The river is fine, but it’s the path by some berry bushes that catch your eye. There are thorns, but those late fall berries are plump and ready for eating. You decide to go that path.
++ Not hungry, you decide to walk along a huge cliff face. It looks like it’s about to start raining, and this will provide a little bit of shelter instead.

The River

Day 2, Choice 1

Li sighed as the faint scent vanished entirely and leaned down to sniff the ground. At least his paws weren't aching from the stony path he could have chosen. His nose wrinkled faintly before smoothing it out the next instant and his ears flicked absently. He enjoyed the surrounding hills if he was honest and the chance to stretch his legs was something the thera didn't do often. He was content in his little pocket valley with his friends...even if they offered their opinions entirely too much. Li glanced back at the two cats sitting in bun-form on his back like he was some sort of riding animal and huffed, ears flicking back mildly. Both cats ignored him and the thera rolled his eyes, but continued on. At least their newest companion didn't seem inclined to try to relax across his back. Li looked down at the slim gray lynx padding silently next to him and offered the cat a small smile, which was instantly returned. Auriga was going to have kittens when she saw him returning with 'yet another stray cat' - as if she hadn't come back from a hunt one day with Hemlocke in tow. That made it entirely even.

Li shook his head and slowed his paws, giving his head a shake - not his body unless he wanted to dump his friends - and turned off the path carefully. He had walked well into midday and while he wasn't used to such traveling after being relatively sedentary, the thera found he didn't mind the warmth and the faint ache of muscles. The soft call of the birds shifted as the day wore on and his four ears flicked idly as he listened to nature around him. He enjoyed the quiet, usually preferred solitude, though Auriga knew when to bother him and pull him out of complacency. Li exhaled, his long tail flicked as he padded towards a likely looking stopping point. "We can stop here for a spell," he offered to his two passengers. Both cats immediately hopped off and Moss, the tortoiseshell, padded to a dappled spot in the grass and curled up, then primly began cleaning herself. Shayde poked around cautiously before declaring the place clean enough. "Going to go find some dinner. I smell mice," the black cat announced and vanished into the shadows. Moss seemed mildly interested, but was clearly not planning on moving any time soon, so Li just snorted and flopped in the grass himself, stretching across the cool shade as he gave his paws a rest.

An ear twitched a little later as Shayde slunk back into range, smug as only a cat could be and snuggled up against the maltese feline. Li chuckled faintly and hooked her in a paw to give her a soft lick. A little while later, Moss joined them, not wanting to be left out. Moss and Briar might not be able to talk like Shayde and River, but Li was well versed in translating cat speech, as it were. He'd had Briar the longest and the Norwegian forest cat was getting on in years; no doubt why she stayed home. Auriga liked spoiling their 'cubs' as the female jokingly called them. Auriga didn't mind not having cubs, but Li knew eventually, they'd probably have some. The thera just didn't know when - or how they'd care for them. He wasn't father material.

Li shook himself, then heaved to his feet and sniffed the air. The scent of water had tickled his nose earlier, but he was perfectly content to relax at the time. Now, though, he was interested in the fish of the river. Neither cat chose to follow him as Li ghosted in the direction of the river. He saw some berry bushes along the side, but wasn't interested this time and moved past them. Ahead of Li the ground cover rose slightly. Thick roots twisted around one another and had captured an old fallen behemoth ages ago and the thera carefully stepped around them, avoiding the beetles that had made the old log their home. One of the cats would be interested, but not the much larger granthera. Li slowed his steps as he broke the brush, opening into the small river that could have been a mirror of the river at home. He looked back at its path and figured it could have been the same river. Li crouched on the bank, hovering over so his shadow peeked over the moving water. Fish were stupid and he'd learned by watching bears and kubes that a fish would be curious of mysterious shadows so all he had to do was watch and wait.

A short while later, Li had his fish and the cats had their tidbits from the remains of his meal. The thera was ready to go and nodded at his companions. "Found a path along the river we can take. The water cools the area off nicely. Looks to be a warm day." Neither cat offered an opinion beyond disdain that he liked water, but hopped back onto his back as he moved out. Li just chuckled.

Author's Notes

Result for Choice 1, The River

Full with fish, and lulled by the river’s song, you sit back to relax. What were you doing? You can’t quite remember. A creature comes alongside you and offers a helping hand. Weren’t you on a hunt? Oh right. You stand, the creature coming with you to make sure you don’t get distracted again.