
3 years, 7 months ago

Mild Violence

Coriander is taking a quick breather after a successful mission. She went to a forest, which is nice, but... Why is it so familiar...?

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The sun filtered through the leaves and branches of trees long since grown, creating a dappled blanket across the grass and leaves of the forest floor. Coriander wandered the premises loosely, simply looking for the time being as she took the golden opportunity of peace. She had nearly forgotten what forests of the living were like after so long of the cotton candy leaves of the Underworld. She felt herself pause, though, true puzzlement taking her as she looked around her. The cracking old stump of a tree filled her with a sense of deja vu... Something telling her that she had been present here, yet without the memories of such a place. A wave of some unplaceable emotion swept over her as she stepped in front of it. Then her gaze turned to the path before it. Without even realizing it she was following the path, footsteps barely making a sound.

Something filled her as she pressed forward, starting so small but evolving into some type of dread... Despite it she continued, almost unable to stop until she reached a clearing. Her soul thrummed in her chest, sockets widened with the weight of emotion pressing down on her. Guilt, anger, desperation, fear... All of them came heavy over her head. Her mouth moved but no noises left as her gaze slowly swept across the area. Then all out once voices began to hum in the back of her mind, whispering things that seemed right though she could never have explained why.

Coriander took a quick peek at the path behind. she's gone she's gone save her save her save save her She turned her gaze back to the front, catching sight of a tree covered in old marks. Slowly she came close to it. you let her you lied you didn't why did you do it why would you ever do it Then she peered around, breath immediately knocked out of her by her senses. no no no no no She was stuck in place, but only for a moment before she came to the center of the small area. crushing screaming suffocating he has you he has you she's screaming you're screaming save her save her save her As she stood there a dull ache came from behind her eyepatch, something akin to a buried memory scratching behind a metaphorical door though it was fully unable to come out. 

She fell to her knees though she was unsure if it was of her choice or because she simply couldn't stand. Her fingers reached out, just barely brushing the tops of the blades she could've sworn had been stained with blood... stuck stuck failure FAILURE couldn't didn't wouldn't work wouldn't save her wouldn't save yourself never never ever yourself A glittering emerald tear rolled down her face, landing on the ground below her. Staring vacantly yet fully she could only manage one phrase: "What... Is this place...?"