Dear Binx

3 years, 7 months ago

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Dear Binx, You probably don't know who I am but I sure know who you are. I've been in Midveil for two years and I love every activities and events that we can find here! Your Halloween's parties were probably my favorite out of all of them! Dressing up and pretending to be someone else for a night is an awesome feeling. You can finally be yourself without fearing being juged by others as everyone is wearing a mask and it only last one night, right? Better have some fun! That's what your parties were about: having fun and partying till the sun appears! I don't remember how much sweets and drinks I had this year, I was too absorbed by the music and the dancing midveilers.

I wanted to write a small letter to you. I'm not the kind of strudel who write lots of letter, I would rather talk to someone in front of them. But this time I was too shy and sad to actually comes to you, I'm sorry.. You're a great friend of mine and I didn't thought you would leave us so soon. I know it's been three years already and you probably want to explore the world and maybe find a new place to stay at, but.. I will miss you. A lot. I'm sure that I won't be the only midveiler that will miss you, for sure! I hope that everyone will send you a small letter, just so you know how much everyone liked you here.

I can't think of any words to tells you how glad I am that we met. Thanks to you I learned more about myself and others! Did I ever told you that I find my bestfriend at one of your party? No? Well, we're more of a lost twins then bestfriend. Yeah, Irene is as much a trouble-maker as I am! And we both have the same name. I remember meeting her two years ago now, I was dressed as some kinf of werewolf with many golden accessories and fake fur glued everywhere on my clothes. And my friend was almost dressed up just like me! A big coincidence, right? I wonder if you have something to deal with this.. This years my friend and I decided to come dressed up as vampires. It took so long to prepare our costumes, you can't imagine it! But we were super proud of ourself. I'm pretty sure I saw you talking about it and I hope that you liked it. :)

Well, I'm starting to run out of ink and I don't have more writting supplies.. I hope that you will get this letter before you leave. I'll be adding a small picture of my friends and I, some of them didn't got time to write a letter but still wanted to be part of mine! I'm sure you will keep it with you at least for a while. I'm hoping to see you someday, in a market or a random street corner, Irene, one of your great friend.