Mazel's Beast Study

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
2 456

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Take a look into Mazel's journal of notes regarding her mechanical pets!

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Subject SCR00FY

A yellow-painted mechano-wolf who looks like it's seen its fair share of scrapes and battles. A lot of its plating is dented with paint scraping off. There seem to be some nautical markings as part of its paint job. Beyond its armor, the mechano-wolf looks well upkept.

Entry 001

Unit SCR00FY is the first full beast build I had attempted on Mechagon. After studying local wildlife and taking to the books regarding mechano-beasts, I took to the tables and began to create my first companion. Like most great tinkerers attempting their first build, SCR00FY V.1 was a bugged failure that couldn't even stand on its own. But fear not! I've learned important information for the second attempt!

Entry 007

Unit SCR00FY V.3's newest version update is coming along perfectly. Now that most of the movement bugs are out of the way, some new adjustments have been made regarding its behavioral meters, mainly in loyalty and ferocity, turning it into the best hunting companion a hunter could ask for. Now just to figure out what color to paint it.

Entry 012

Unit SCR00FY is now complete- er, as complete as I can get him at the moment. While finishing its final touches I realized that there was only one plug-in left available that had to either go towards its eyesight, or its sense of direction. An unfortunate mistake on my part, and according to Tinkerer Spingear, who has been helping me procure parts, the splitter I need won't be available anytime soon. Blast it all! Seems like poor SCR00FY is going to have to be blind for the time being, as a hunting hound with no direction would serve no purpose. Luckily I can boost its noise detection for the time being.

In other news, I've started to note that SCR00FY will avoid all bodies of water, be it as small as a puddle to as large as the ocean surrounding the island. I can understand being wary of the ocean, but something as small as a puddle? How odd, perhaps it has enough sentience to want to avoid rusting?