Eire's Adventure

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
5 1583

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Explicit Violence

most of it is summerised

Theme Lighter Light Dark Darker Reset
Text Serif Sans Serif Reset
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Book 1

(insert beginning when I get to my mums)

So Eire wakes up, opens her door, and sees Coven, Gravuss, and Zeet outside her room.

Eire is very confused as she has never seen such a big boi like Gravuss before.

Gravuss is very dark grey, fluffy & big. Eire looks over at the smaller Zeet, as she is a tad bit overwhelmed at how massive Gravuss is.

Zeet is a small black dragon with large horns and a spikey bit on his tail.

Gravuss spots Eire looking in confusion at what's going on in her house.

Gravuss then decides to trap Eire in a Dilentic box. (A box made of Umbra, Which is a study material that feels similar to a stiff fabric, it blocks most light from penetrating through it)

Eire struggles but the Dilentic box is too study for her to break right now.

Gravuss throws Eire into a portal he conjures up, Zeet follows as he doesn't want Eire to be abandoned alone in the Demonic Realm. (Space)

Eire and Zeet now in the Demonic Realm float around for a while, Zeet explains a bit of what was going on in Eire's house.

Eire "So uh wh-, what just happened, what's going on uhhhh " 

Zeet "Well, my name is Zeet! I'm a combination of the crows and the big rat's magical energy."

E "What? Magic? That exists?"

Z "Yep! Magic is what allows dragons like me to use elemental breath, it can do much much more than just that, however, but I don't really know that much..."


E "So uh 

cont later

have disc explanation for now

untill they crash land onto planet Resat
the dilentic box shatters on the imapct but eire is s a  f e and now freeee
zeet and eire go and find the locals
who are beutz
like deer but more g r a s s
they find a village of them
and talk to the elder beutz
he elder says that the "corkas have been kidnapping beutz into the forest"
corkas are boring cockatrices that cant even petrify
so eire and zeet being the pure childs they are dicide to resuce the kidnapped beutz
so they enter the foresttt
and are immedialty being watched from the shadows by a patrol of corkas
eire and zeet get blowdarted with a sleeping  agent and are kidnapped
eire and zeet then wake up in a very dark wooden cage
in the corner is snowdrop who has been tied to the floor
and her weirdd glowy orb thingo is very dim
she greets eire and zeet and asks for help with untieing herself
eire who doesnt have hands faills at untieing snowdrop
and instead of letting zeet have a go eire  dicides to set the rope on fire
which is a great idea in a wooden cage
the entire cage is now on f i r e
while eire and zeet are somewhat firproof (being dragons and all), snow drop aint
so eire and zeet gett snowdrop outa the cage
snow drop is charred black, and her orb thingo has turned red
and she get wings idkkk
i sorta started to rush  the story at this bit rip
ill just finsih it off
so snowdrop now with wings flies up
with eire and zeet
and they spot big boi green serpent named hisek
hisek is the one behind the corkas going around kidnapping buetz as hisek wants some tasty beutz meat or something
so hisek uses their d e m o n m a g i c to summon a bunch of giant fishlike thingos to fight for him
eire zeet and snowdrop formulate a battle plan
in which snowdrop fights hisek while eire and zeet fight the fishlike things
so snowdrop goes face to face with hisek
apparently she gained demon powers from the fire idk
she and hisek have an e p i c battle
and hisek loses
hisek leaves behind one of his scales as he just dissapears
hiseks scale was very big so eire, zeet and snowdrop all got yeeted back into d e m o n s p a c e