
3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 6 months ago


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Gathered Info

Gathered Info

Pre- campaign: 1258.

Knights turned against Reginald in favour of his uncle Victor. A 2 month siege in Rivia.

King Vizimir was loyal and sent 20000 men to assist.

Phillipa - Brotherhood. Mage of Vizimir. 

Vallimira - Vizimir tried to marry her off to Foltest. He refused. Tension. 

There have been many plagues- a lot of the older or more mature peasants have been lost- a lot of youngsters take their places.

Quartermaster note: We're out of most medicinal herbs and balms we'd have to requisition more. Ingots required to repair damaged armour from the fighting  Food should last this amount of men for 2 weeks thanks to the salvaging of the strays we have 500 crowns after pay out to the soldiers will require more.  Building supplies are adequate however are quite weathered might require new ones for building the encampment in the next week

Reynard suspects a mole within the camp- he has been searching encampment for 3 weeks. Encrypted letters - some found being burnt. Knight discovered. No seal. Not our encryption. Also whistling was heard from the command tent. I told Reynard about some of my knights beating up Faust too. (Reynard has worked on this- warnings were dealt).

Info from Reynard/Gawain: At the age of 12, Edon was part of a gang called the Crows. Criminal background.

Dimeritium - mage binding metal. Three quarters of all dimeritium is produced in the northern kingdom of Kovir and Poviss (Belagorn's kingdom).

Edon discovered a partially torn note. More subterfuge. This seems to not match the others, which were burnt. Multiple moles?? This is alarming.


Nilfgaard had infiltrated the castle. They wanted our documents. Be aware of suspicious "lack" of activity as well as high activity. This may point to subterfuge.

Gascon is flaunting rather a lot of petty cash...and it sounds like he's planning to escape. Maybe I'll have piqued his interest enough for him to have second thoughts though.


Edon is a Doppler. He was born this species. He cannot touch silver. I am the only one who knows (ep.9- Gawain and Reynard now know, Odo dinner- Faust knows, ep.14- Belagorn has clues?). He's trying to find a way to tell Gawain (and later Reynard, though that now may fall to me).

Reynard is mildly suspicious after the spoon incident. He asked for permission to search Belagorn's tent. I granted it. It seems there were no results.

We have captured Commander Eowyn var Gleiwydd. He lost a leg though.

"I’ve dispatched additional resources in our effort to gain allies in the region. Reports suggest we are close to securing the lion’s share. Do not leave the nordlings wanting. Spare no expense. They shall return everything to us before long. With interest."
Duke Ard; aep Dahy, Grand Chancellor, Commander of Army Group “East” To Colonel Eowyn var Gleiwydd.

"Your spymaster is hiding as a servant in your care, she goes by the name of Elizabeth, if you remember the servant I described to Edon when he wanted a bath. The 16 year old girl, ginger hair, green eyes and freckles".

"You know that Edon has been leaving the palace sometimes at night for whatever reason. You assumed it would be going to brothels as his lust knows no bounds.
The spymaster however would correct those assumptions and tell you that he would meet up with gang leaders".

"A lot of guards in Lyria are retreating back to the main district and leaving the other ones. This is due to local gang activity. It's not necessarily bad as they are supporting the communities however there are consequences of that. The populace is stopping to trust the guards and are resorting to the gangs for law enforcement. The royal authority is slowly eroding something must be done about this otherwise there could be a potential coup." - Spymaster Letter.


Void: "At the time the eternal fire guy was there speaking his venomous words and Faust was glaring him down, he also you know, uhh, translator didnt give me a word to explain it, but flexed his fingers, somewhat similar to magic casting movements. Tensed, tense, he was tense." Hatred and anger.

The gem...the emerald that killed was cursed. They hated him so much they cursed him. Evil, pure evil.


I know Villem didn't get the letter, Elizabeth doesn't know about Edon's letter, and neither does Caldwell, or so he claims...then who sent the reply?! Very concerning...
Villem has seen a lot of emissaries and messengers...many of which were not who they claimed to be.

Valdenhoff has had disappearances- 25% of the village.
A Nilfgaardian battalion has been spotted crossing the Urugula border. A high ranking officer, not sure who.

Faust has asked Edon for information he may be able to gather on a man named "Vilgefortz". He was a friend of his master's. Edon says he's a Nilfgaardian mage, though he doubts Faust knows this, and that Vilgefortz has "not done anything terrible so far".
Vilgefortz is searching for Ciri in Lyria.


Eternal Fire zealots have been burning non-humans in the streets at night?! Why wasn't I informed?! This cannot continue.

Magic was used- a rock hit a knight and killed him??

Belagorn has a Dimiritium brooch.
Belagorn's keys are gone- locks are being changed. He almost got kidnapped.

Faust's book must have taken a long time to get here- longer than he's been interested in Pyromancy?

Gascon is gone- bribed his way out. Guards are bribable!!


The Odo children were roughly 15, 9 and 3. The girl has black hair, both the boys had blonde hair. Claudia has black hair too. The son was the eldest, Gawain the youngest, the girl in the middle.
From what you were able to see the ages of the family members where roughly around the time you assume the died.  The clothing they wore was elegant as if they never were peasants.  In regards to what you can see is in the back from left to right is Reynard and his wife, the row after that his children from oldest to youngest with Gawain being on the right.  Everyone smiling.

The emissaries have a language spell.
Also- time magic is a thing! Faust now has access to some, but it hurts to use. He can also hide his magic.  
The gauntlets/gems keep Ling alive. 


Gascon wasn't freed with bribery, but by the SoS. Who bribed Janusz?
Spymaster can't access Faust's tower since the wards were activated. Did the wards reveal something?
No new book orders for the past year- where did books come from? Portals/teleport? The book he asked for was about Elder Blood.
Vilgefortz- a prominent member in the Nilfgaard court. Helped place the current Emperor into power. Was sighted in Lyria/Rivia a long time ago, not recently. He's a skilled practitioner of Pyromancy: Faust got some pyromancy books recently. Were the books his?

The "merchants" we met on the road were Hawkers. Scoia'tael. Some are in the city too. Belagorn didn't notice or didn't care.
Faust asked Edon if he had more info. Faust wouldn't tell me what it was about, but Edon gave me a look. I believe this was about Vilgefortz.

Faust didn't know the wards weren't active.
Faust shifty AF...but stayed with me during the coup. I guess that shows his true loyalty.
Faust's "blinking" spell was the tent spell!
Elizabeth was not in on the coup.
Faust has a portal in his tower! A library? The books are from there. Golems?! Veretuza?? Oh no.
Caldwell betrayal! (Who would have guessed). He tried to have me killed!!
Gascon rescued us...after I requested it of him.
Edon met up with Gascon outside.
The Odos were tortured for information.
Gascon is a troll. 


Reynard and Gawain were lashed, 70-80 times. Tortured for information. Nothing precise- looking for information on me, Edon, Faust. Inventory, anything we might be hiding or owning. Reynard gave them nothing. 


In regards to the illegitimate children they were taken care of by Reginald, he travelled to Temeria to the one of the temples there and gave them both under the care of a priestess of Melitele, her name is Nenneke. So to your knowledge they will probably go through the initiations to become sisters and then priestess of the religion. You know this involves learning medicine and knowing the holy texts off by heart. You've never seen them and that's what you have been able to find out about them over the years.
The children were sent away. The mothers were paid in crowns equal to the weight of the children and were told to forget about the incident. If they would start spreading rumours and word about this then they would be imprisoned.
Somehow it didn't spread in the court it was kept rather hush to your surprise as Reginald wasn't the best at keeping things quiet.

For the names of the two maids of honour one of them is Lady Jaina Prestor and the other Lady Katrina Maxwell.
In regards to the former she had an estate in Cintra at the coast and owns several merchant ships that provide her with a wealthy income, her husband is quite abusive so when she can she leaves the estate. The woman has an eye for stewardship and business and brought quite a bit of income for the duke there in tax.
She had a lisp when she spoke, in regards to looks, long blonde hair down to the waist, blue eyes, quite tall and didn't want to be anywhere near a battlefield.

For the latter Lady Katrina Maxwell is from Aedirn and was quite diplomatic, she helped her husband keep up relations and would organise every feast. In their county there would be a feast every month where they would invite all the nearby lords and ladies. 
She already has fostered four children. In regards to her looks: raven black hair always worn in a braid, brown eyes.


Edon can turn into a wolf. He wouldn't talk about it more, though.

Belagorn made a contract with the Mirror Man.

I, Belagorn Tryoden, in exchange for the return of my family's status, power and wealth, hereby pledge my soul. I shall repay my debt only at such a time when the sun rises over Rivia in the dark of night for a full month. I sign this contract with my blood in full understanding that it cannot, under any circumstance, be breached.


He had a bitch face as he told you that one: "A wonderful queen that no one would ever say anything bad about…"
He prodded you about that, before it got sour: "She has a thing for elves, maybe she dreams about eternal life"
Prodded you with it: "Her sense of style is very coinflip, one day it’s amazing the next she looks like a peasant" maybe a laugh, maybe a kinda heavy sigh, depends On the situation this was shared in: "Her sons took more after their father than their mother in both looks and mind" to this: "I heard she plays the bagpipes" he asked "can you actually?"
and also on the side he said: "they think you didn't like it in Skellige. eh, looking at them and how they are I don't blame their ignorance".

Courtly Talks.

[Pamphlets distributed in Lyria and Rivia] 
Queen Una cares not a whit for your interests. Instead of seeking peace with the Nilfgaardian Empire, she has chosen pointless resistance, sentencing you all to annihilation. To save their subjects from this fate, the Council of Peers decided to remove the mad queen from the throne. In her cruel lunacy, she defied our ruling, spat upon our laws and burned half the palace down in her wrath. She has fled the country in cowardice and seeks now to sow havoc.  The rightful monarch is Una’s eldest son, Villem. He shall be advised in this difficult time by Count Caldwell.  The meadows of Lyria and Rivia shall blossom under the light of the Golden Sun. Long live the Emperor!

Report:  With Lyria and Rivia taken, full strength of Army Group “East” redirected against Aedirn. Fierce Aedirnian resistance, but border posts fell. King Demavend pulling back from small garrisons and concentrating forces in heavily defended fortresses: Rosberg, Aldersberg, Vengerberg. Significant increase in Scoia’tael activity. Attacks on merchants, refugees - but no Nilfgaardian convoys. All evidence indicates Scoia’tael working with enemy.


A letter of warning found at the large beech:  Read, all lettered folk, and pass it on to your unlearned brethren.  Elves hold the moulderwood and prey on travelers.  If you’ve got to journey to Aldersberg, move not but at night, and then, only in bunches. By no means go near the willow growing near the edge of the woods.  May the gods watch over you!

Mercenary Una killed: Arthur, son of Gloin.


You notice whilst speaking with Rayla that she has no canines - all of her teeth are straight. - Half-Elf.

Una's magic smells of roses.


The Wild Hunt. Full moon, Samhain.

Belagorn has been aged 20 years. He was taken - the Hunt are Elves??


Rayla mentioned prophesy about the Wild Hunt. Ithlinne was the prophet- elven.

Rayla was hunting "Eldain", a leader of the Scoia'tael. 

From Malden Vorto, Court Mage
To: His Excellency, King Demavend.  
Your Majesty,  Our reconnaissance has confirmed eyewitness reports: disturbances in elemental equilibrium near “places of power” have resulted in the sudden appearance of fire elementals.
This may be the handiwork of our enemy, a part of their strategy.
I will attempt to restrain the creatures before the situation gets out of control.
I await further orders.

Apparently many men of court thought Una was hawt. Una is flummoxed.

Faust took up the mantle of his master, as I expected. Trying to fill his boots. He finally admitted it. He doesn't think he's "good enough". 

Una's magic glows purple. She drained Faust a little. Hecc.


Faust's book glowed red and then flew away...a homing spell? It moved like a bolt of lightning.

Abandoned Nilfgaard encampment? Strange...seemed like a hurry.


"Well...snakes are everywhere...all around. Even the ones you trusted the most will eventually betray you." - MM.

Belagorn is free of his contract.
Mirror Man likes riddles.

Belagorn's father was an admiral.
Troyden family was royalty!
Kovir and Poviss have been frozen/in a time loop.

Report: Eladin’s Commando Fresh Reports indicate elf named Eldain commands powerful force in Moulderwood. 
Numbers exceed Your majesty’s Company. Extreme caution advised.  
Eldain’s background: assimilated merchant operating in Gulet area. Radicalized after family killed in 1246 pogrom. 
Eye-witnesses state Eldain cannot be trusted: he honors no pact and never keeps his word.

Nilgaard took down Rastberg in four days.

Gascon suggested Una be more visible for soldier morale. 

Protect Faust. Scoia'tael will either try to capture/convert him or kill him as a threat.

Rayla thinks Faust will turn. She "knows" from experience.


Gascon got Una a nameday present. The bag contained:  26 marks 112 florens 500 crowns and one rose.

"The forest belongs to the Aen Seidhe. Leave this place at once, cursed dh’oine, or you shall remain here for all eternity."

Letter:  Translated from Elder Speech
To all Divisions:  The Lyrian Queen is currently passing through the Moulderwood. 
Her regiment is not large, but we cannot afford to underestimate her. 
Do what you can to halt her advance and weaken her forces.  
See if you can bring me the elven sage that travels with her, alive. 
We will strike when they are at their breaking point. - Eldain.

Faust lore!
60 years ago, when he was 17. He's originally from Redania. 

"My actual name would be Faust of Montecalvo", but I would ask you to not use that name because, it is not mine."

They escaped a Pogrim, with help of Scoia'tael. He's met Eldain. He knows he has a "bloodlust for humans".
There were other young people from Elder races, and they were smuggled to Lyria.

Came to Lyria because it was "more progressive."

If it comes down to it- maybe use Faust as a way to get an audience with Eldain instead of a bloodbath, BUT...he never keeps his word.

"You might have judged him too harshly. After all, he saved my life a certain degree, I feel like I owe him my life."

Faust "jumped before he was pushed"- told Una this information before it could damn him. 

He also thinks his mother (Gwen'delin) might be among the Scoia'tael.

"And...if we actually find her from this forest, I ask you for mercy. You know they wouldn't offer that for you, it anyway, for me. If the situation requires it consider it the first favour you owe me."

Una warned him that Rayla would be the biggest threat here, and that she didn't hesitate. 

He's also racist to half-elves! "Stained by the blood of the humans."

Una warned Faust of Rayla's suspicions towards him. Una said if he was going to backstab her, to do it now, in this position.

"Well, I'm not going to backstab you. I might just need you later- more than the Scoia'tael. And I could have done it earlier, if I really wanted to."

Una let him know she knows he doesn't tell her all the truth.

He might let "Sage" go to his head!


Attention! In light of recent events in the Moulderwood, I hereby order the following:  
1. Representatives of the Elder Races caught consorting with Scoia’tael shall be executed without trial - together with their families - and their belongings confiscated.
2. Representatives of the Elder Races are forbidden to leave their dwellings after dark on penalty of lashing.  
3. Taxes for representatives of the Elder Races shall be increased threefold until further notice.  
 - Bronimir County

Only Elder races in this village. 

Nilfgaard passed through two hours beforehand: 10-14 of them? Got drunk and assaulted women. 

Scoia'tael rounded up the humans and brought them to the mill (looks like they were locked in and burned alive). 46 human skulls, including apple-sized. Babies.

One thing led to another...the village is now empty, except for 6 children.


Gwen'delin: A bit shorter than Faust, blonde hair, waist length. Eye colour: as black as charcoal, and light tattoos on face.

At least 60 years ago there was an elven sage in the Scoia'tael hideout.


The 10x men responsible for the slaughter of the Elder village have been dishonourably discharged.

Eldain paid Faust a visit. Faust was "gifted" a (minor artefact) sabre by Eldain- (a key to allow him access into the Scoia'tael hideout).

We "adopted" 15x Nilfgaard Heavy Infantry conscripts.

Andrea's magic lingers over Crumhorne- the smell of rot and death. Faust was uncomfortable and we arranged sleeping outside of the town.

Belagorn's egg hatched- a cockatrice!


Chloroform affects Elves...strangely. Faust can still cast while under the effects, just like alcohol- dangerous. Also whoops, accidentally taught him a pseudospell.

General Ardal aep Dahy sent an assassin for Edon. A silver knife- they know what he is.

Scoia'tael definitely appear to be in league with Nilfgaard!! How else could Nilfgaard know where we are? Oh boy.

Edon and Faust dislike Andrea. Bad vibes. Andrea outright lied to Faust about Necrophages being sensitive to magic. She also wanted a donation to get rid of the assassin's body. Thanks but no thanks. Her interest in the corpse gave Una the heeby-jeebies. 


Una and Faust headed to the hideout/field hospital. Many traps. They wouldn't let Una in, so she reluctantly let Faust go in alone.

He got to speak with his mother, Una got to stand in front of Scoia'tael archers for almost 2 hours- fun!

Belagorn gifted Andrea a water hag mutagen? Something to do with alchemy. 


Guillaume of Cedaris
Mage that Melovie guarded.


Translated from elder speech. 
Eldain, Via imperial emissaries we’ve made contact with a commando operating on Temerian soil, led by a certain Iorveth.
He is willing to coordinate his campaign against human regimes with our forces and awaits further information.
We should send word to him as we deal with the Lyrian company.  - Noealle.


The depictions talk about a forbidden door which is opened through the sacrifice of individuals. It depicts the king of elves- of the ones which originally came into this world that would mean that the king which is depicted there is king Auberon, king of the elves to be precise. It showcases a time before the conjunction of the spheres, and that giant slab of protruding marble is the the forbidden door. The statues are the instructions on how to open the door, hidden behind a story upon how great the king was how beloved by his people and how he would sacrifice all for the good of his people- the perfect king so to speak.


Void tip: "The Queen must want it."


Ep 37 

Town of Baithwaite - Nilfgaard starving them out. We left food supplies and attempted to recruit anyone wanting to escape.

Una had to use her revival for the first time! 

Faust looked really worried as he ran and cast heal on Una. Reynard was tearful.

Una hugged Faust -"and Faust exhaled (deeply?) when he hugged her back."

Ashy letter:

Mage Albrich to the commanding officer Vrygheff.
After our mission here is finished, we'll be joining you and moving out to Aldersburg to finalize the siege there.
Be sure to be ready for us and as soon as we arrive, move out.


Ep 38

Una/Faust ship sailed lol.


Ep 39.

From Melovie's scouting:

To: General Vrygheff
From: Count Falbeson  
To the general.
I send my condolences for your fallen son.
I would do the same were I in your place.  
In regards to the report nothing has changed here still awaiting orders.

Faust whispered to Una the translation:

To: Count Johan Falbeson
From: Colonel Ffaell aep Groenw  
Received your report. I’ve sent a division of soldiers to your estate to help prepare the trap.  
If U. Proves to be naive as you suspect and accepts the invitation, kill her.
If she refuses, reveal nothing.  
Your reward shall be as we agreed - as shall the punishment for insubordination.


Community board

Help find thief who stole from forge
Part time baker required
More stablehands needed
Bounties: nekkers in a mine, rachkous, leshhun
Election posters for mayor - Gertrude the dwarf: raise taxes, Arthur the Gnome: older, wants to open up town more to humans.

Blacksmith: Seemed willing to turn a blind eye to things. Unhappy with Scoi'tael but money wins. Something about a permit? Mayor's secretary was interested in hearing more from Edon: offered bribe.


Ep. 43

Skelligan tavern! :D

Sauna had two dwarves, 1 male 1 female. Talking about how Hammerdeep used to be.

Gascon disguised as a knight (2 weeks?)

"Apparently there's more people smelling like roses out there, and this one is after Melovié."

A Nilfgaard mage after the paperwork. It's now destroyed. Melovie won't be happy she didn't get to read it (why?) Maybe question her further- she's hiding something.

Community service- clear kobolds. 

Barkeeper was crying. (Edon intel: dog dead)

Child with spear at door of tavern. (Edon intel: Now learnt: "paying back" for killing dog.)


Ep. 44

Tavern spear boy is from Kaedwin
Boy tried to get some food from the inn, met the guard dog, killed the dog, took the dog's place.
Name "Satana"?

Gascon has disguise/taken place of a dead dwarf. 

Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Metalworkers - will discount/make Una happy.

Gnomes rescued. Seemed important/well-known? Waved off guards. Secretary seemed very happy.

Arthur wants to be re-elected. Politics stuff. The fancy man at the mine?

Clear Nekkers, double price per head (5->10 marks).
- Also collapse certain area of the mine shaft to "assist archaeology". HmMM.

Ep. 45

Yep he was hiding bodies.


Ep. 50

Awakened a 3000 year old dwaven king. Cool. He didn't kill us.

Setana gone: tavernkeeper got a new ""dog"". It's a direwolf- Socks. It's also drunk. (and covered in flour).

Everyone is sus. We're being followed.

Nilfgaard: 6. Had dimeritium shackles. 

We're owed a lot of muns, let's get rations.


Ep. 56

Long talk with Melovié.


Faust got kidnapped!
Fake Faust: Doppler?


Ep. 59

Feast- being watched by a Breckenriggs dwarf. Following Una in particular. (Turned out to be the daughter).


Ep. 60

Feast went well. Day after...not so much.

Melovié was crying at the door, then went emotionless and swung at Una with her sword. After some battling Ling appears and recognises the problem: Melovié has a shadow creature inside her, the misty man.

A séance. It could have gone better...or worse tbf. It feeds on doubt/self-loathing? Too strong to beat without preparation.


Ep. 61

We had noise complaints/the barkeeper saw the room. Oh no, rumour time.
Luckily Faust fixed the clock tower.

"It's some kind of love, if not 'true love'." - they both know it's not a fairytale, but...Una's grown out of those. Faust feels real.
