Trivia - Wee Bacon

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Here you can find more information about Wee Bacon, aka the ultimate Simp with OCs and Social Awkwardness

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1 - Media

Books: Wee reads no big books, since she doesn't have the patience for those. But she reads a lot of manga, especially romance with a twist and horror. And she mainly reads them for the "plot" (finding new husbandos). Also, she still tries to get Visions of V, buuuut it's japanese only atm so rip

Video Games: This bacon loves herself some video games, beside OCs, they're her main hobby. Her absolute favorite game series of all time is Devil May Cry, and the 4th and 5th part are her reasons to stay healthy and hydrated. She also loves RPG Maker Horror Games like OFF and Yume Nikki.

Music: Even thou Wee is american, she listens to a lot of german metal industrial stuff and sings along with her american accent.Her favorite band is Rammstein and her favorite song is Weit Weg.

Cosplay: Wee actually cosplayed some characters. She has cosplays of Zacharie from OFF, Poniko from Yume Nikki and Dante from Devil May Cry (last one makes her simpy). She currently tries to get a V cosplay.