Zakios' Backstory

3 years, 6 months ago

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     Zakios had heard all of the stories. Purple bloods going on murderous rampages in Nolara, leaving a rainbow wake in their path of destruction. He was tired of it. Trolls and humans alike judged him because of his blood color. They feared that he'd snap one day and be just like the purple bloods of the past, even when they've started becoming a little more peaceful in the present. No one wanted to risk their life to find out if Zakios was a peaceful one or not. Sure Zakios had his moments of rampage, but those were scarce. And he always ended up hurting himself instead of others. He was often alone in his childhood. The closest friends he had were the ones he made through Trollian. He'd often type in a gray font to hide what his blood color was. Zakios learned to enjoy the time he had with friends and to himself.

     Zakios fell in love with the sound of music growing up, and decided to purchase a few of his own instruments to play. He was a quick learner, and had soon mastered his own unique style. He loved string instruments the most. Plucking at the strings of a harp or guitar could always calm him down when he was in a bad mood. Though his favorite instrument he had was his ukulele. He'd occasionally go out to the park with his ukulele in hand and play there for hours. Those who were brave enough would sit and watch him play, and the even braver ones would even ask him how to play it. Zakios was always happy to teach trolls and humans how to play his instruments. When he wasn't in the park, Zakios was often watching a livestream of his favorite musicians. He'd often pop into the live chat to talk with other fans. That's where he befriended a bronze texted troll known as lovableRancher. The two became quick friends, and would often talk late into the night. Whenever he was asked about his blood color, Zakios would always avoid the question and talk about something else. He was glad Xarito didn't bring it up often.

     Zakios heard about the farmers trading market Xarito often went to. He thought it'd be nice to see his friend in person since that wasn't too far away from where he lived. Zakios noticed there weren't many high bloods around as he looked for Xarito. He soon spotted the bronze blooded troll and went to say hello. Zakios admitted he never told Xarito his blood color due to not wanting to scare him off. He chatted with his friend and started bringing in some customers to Xarito's stall by leading them there. After that day, Zakios would often go and visit Xarito at his hive. He never realized how limber he was until Xarito pointed out that he could get into some strange places. Zakios' favorite place soon became a hammock in the attic that was high up. The boys soon fell flushed for each other, and Zakios was the one to confess first. From that day on, Zakios moved in with Xarito and the two lived peacefully together.

     Zakios and Xarito lived happily on the ranch alone together. Zakios often helped out with the farm animals and harvests when he could. One day, Xarito came to him to ask if he'd be alright with two friends coming to live with them. Zakios thought it'd be cool having more trolls around. Neither of them realized that their new roomies, Eirzio and Arvian, were the two streamers that they were fans of. Not until Zakios discovered it by accident that is. Zakios wanted to show his new friends the streams that he and his matesprite loved. He saw the two livestreaming, then left and came back with his ukulele. Arvian soon explained things to Zakios and Xarito. Zakios noticed Eirzio bolt to the attic. He decided to get some cocoa and follow him there. The two talked for awhile. Zakios soon realized he was feeling red towards Eirzio. He talked to Xarito about it and the two agreed to a polyamorous relationship after talking it out.

     Not long after that day, Zakios found Eirzio in the attic again. He held out some cocoa and asked his friend if he wanted to talk about it. After a long ramble about Eirzio feeling flushed for the purple blooded troll, Zakios leaned in and kissed him. The two agreed that the polyamorous relationship sounded good, and both confessed to talking to their matesprite about it. From that day on, Zakios enjoyed his night in the bean bag and horn pile cuddled up to Eirzio. To this day the four of them still live together on Xarito's ranch. They eventually made a band together.