planing for ero's and mira's stoy

3 years, 6 months ago

greek mythology and shenanigans

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So basically, there's a prince to an elderly king who nearing death in the brink of war. This is Ero. Mira is an Olympian servant of (undetermined atm). She does something to grant herself punishment from her god: by sending her down to earth to serve a mortal boy until he becomes a proper king. On the surface, it's a harmless punishment, but there is a malicious undertone. Someone on Olympus is devising a plan to resist the Fates and shape reality to their will. So Ero was supposed to die, but due to Mira's protection, he lives long enough to become an old and humbled king. I'm thinking I want apollo to be the bad guy here, as he is known for meddling in wars, such as the war over Troy driven by Achilles. Mira's possible god could be Hermes, Artemis, or a minor diety on Olympus. Now the fates said the boy was destined to die, and Thanatos was supposed to reap the boy when he was young but failed to do so at Mira's will. This could be a mix up between the two children of Nyx. The reason for his foretold death is unknown. Mira arrives hating this boy and resetning his every move and decision but once he's a grown an humbled man, she's grown to enjoy his company, and when given the chance to return to olympus, kindly refuses. The boy hates this divine woman as well, not wanting a motherly figure in his life after his mother's disappearance. Once he's grown up, he sees her as a companion and a comrade. Originally she was planned to be a mother figure in his life, but i have since changed this for a better dynamic.