Aghaidh Cloigeann

3 years, 6 months ago

Story behind Aghaidh Cloigeann

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Aghaidh Cloigeann

    There is a legend about a lophos with a red skull for a face, glowing fiery eyes and devil like horns. With six legs he can run for miles, his tail is strong and sharp enough to knock down trees and tear down mountains. His claws were like blades, they shine in the light and were never dull despite running through all terrains. There are many other features that lophos can describe when talking about Aghaidh Cloigeann. Some say that Aghaidh Cloigeann was once two lophos that fought in battle, they fought for days and they started to destroy anything in the way of their fight. The gods were distraught with this and punished the two lophos by combining the bodies of the two so they would have to make up and work together to thrive. Which is why he is two-tone and stitched together with life thread. There is even a legend that says that he could breathe fire or that his favorite food is nectar because of his long tongue.  

These stories were created to keep young lophos from doing anything dumb or stupid, like most stories, you know the generic “if you step out of line Aghaidh Cloigeann will punish you” in many different methods. Though there are many legends and myths about this legendary Lophos, none can really compare to the original story about him. 

A long time ago, a time where lophos were striving in a world where they could live in peace there was a valley in which they resided. Food was abundant and water was plentiful. It almost felt like a utopia for the lophos that lived in the valley. However, as everyone knows, peace does not last forever, at least not on this planet. One day the sky grew dim with clouds; There was no rain, there was no sun, and there was no wind. This phenomenon lasted for years. The water was running thinner every year, plants started to die and animals started to look for food elsewhere.……. and you may be wondering what does this have to do with Aghaidh Cloigeann, I am getting their young one. There was a lophos and his name was…. Cian, yea average name, well he was an average lophos. He was one to not give up on anything, even in these dire times. He saw the lophos suffer as time went on, even saw his closest friends not make it, but he never gave up on hope. He knew he had to do something to relieve the lophos from this hardship.. winter was coming, and lophos being mostly reptilian, they weren’t going to make it if something wasn’t done. Cian decided to head out of the valley, wanting to know if there was a cause for this calamity. Cian traveled around the valley first, seeing nothing at first, but soon enough he saw a mountain that reached above the clouds. The same ones that covered the valley. Maybe he could see the cause from up there. Cian climbed and climbed up the mountain to the point he was so close to the top. He was starving as he got closer, he was even more thirsty for he didn’t bring water with him, so there would be water in the valley for the other lophos, and tired from not resting to find these answers. He was determined to save the lophos in the valley and his will was strong enough to push him to climb to the top. His lungs burned as the air grew thinner, but he didn’t care. Nothing would break him and stray him from his goal. Finally, he reached the top only to find… nothing, but white clouds and the sun in a very blue sky. The wind was blowing and the cold was starting to get to him. There were no answers up there, there was nothing for him to help his valley up there. However, despite not seeing an answer there, he didn’t give up. He started to head down the mountain. His journey didn’t end there for he traveled all over the land to search for an answer that would end the suffering of the lophos in the valley. However, he perished in his trip to find the answer but his death wasn’t in vain. For the gods saw his determination and felt his strong will to help everyone he cared about. His actions were rewarded with a revival and his appearance changed. His head became more skull-like as his will can be seen burning through his eye sockets, horns grew from the skull, his body developed more legs and they became more powerful, he grew claws and spikes ran down his spine. He traveled back as fast as he could, knowing his new abilities will be able to help the valley. Once he returned, the lophos were terrified from his new gruesome appearance. He didn’t seem to care, all he had on his mind was helping everyone. He used the flames coming from his eyes and nose to fire at the sky. The heat pushed the clouds together making them denser as it started to rain. He used his tail spikes and claws to sow the ground to allow the plants to grow. With his great size he was able to sow the whole valley in no time. When the rain subsided he used his flames once more to act like a fast acting sun as the plants started to grow rapidly. His last task was to find the water to let it flow once more. He traveled up the river to find the source was in the mountain he once visited. Using all six of his limbs he pushed the boulders out of the way, and water started to flow in the valley once more. The valley saw the sun once more and food and water started to become more abundant. Winter was not going to be as harsh now that they have everything they need to survive. As for Aghaidh Cloigeann, he resides in the mountain that gave him no answers so that if anyone searches for answers there, he could provide them with an answer. The lophos were grateful, even though they didn’t realize that Aghaidh Cloigeann was Cian. But to honor the lophos that went to search for answers and gave them one. They named the day they were saved "All Harvest Cian".To those reading this, his name isn’t pronounced “Cee-an” it’s pronounced “Keen” and it means enduring. The day soon was now known as Halloween, a day that is celebrated by wearing terrifying costumes to prevent the calamity from appearing and to celebrate their savoir and his appearance. He isn’t a being to be afraid of but a being to give thanks to, for if it weren’t for him, lophos wouldn’t be here today. He isn’t one to punish young lophos, but he will be there to guide them when they need answers. 

So if you are looking for answers to any question, look to the mountain that resides next to the valley where the lophos ancestors used to live, recite this poem, and he shall appear to guide you:

With his eyes of flame water shall flow,

With his claws and tail let the ground be sown.

Let the determination guide you, 

let your will be your strength. 

For the answers you may seek,

Will not be hard to guide you to your peak. 

Please by my guide,

To help those I hold dear. 

Let me hear your call,

So that I may not be alone. 

In this time of need. 

Hear my plea.

Help thee.