Love Letters

3 years, 6 months ago

Litoria is deeply in love with her girlfriend Puddles, and they share a intimate moment together. Artwork is by

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It had only been a month or so since the two had started dating. Litoria had finally voiced her emotions to the other, and to her surprise but no one else’s, they were accepted and reciprocated. She was giddy at first, unable to comprehend the fact that Puddles liked her just as much. Now they were finally staying the night together for the first time as a couple. There was something different about Puddles’ room now, looking around made her feel comfortable and cozy, more so than before. It felt like she belonged there, like it was partly her own. There was something so wondrous in finally admitting her feelings to her childhood friend, and finally feeling like she was where she was supposed to be. Side by side with her girlfriend. On top of that, it was the first time she was sleeping in a bed with Puddles, rather than being next to her on a separate futon. It smelt so nice, like the hats she would steal to wear, like the one she was in right now, but it was strong and soothing, she wanted to cover herself in it forever.

She stared at the roof, specifically the line of light that made its way past the barrier of curtains. The slow, soft breaths she could hear beside her indicated the other was asleep, so she slowly turned her head, looking at Puddles. Her face looked so soft in the dim moonlight, and she wanted to caress it, to hold it, but she just watched. Puddles’ features were different when she wasn’t controlling them to be a smile and a grin, instead she was relaxed. Litoria slowly rolled onto her side, allowing her to burn the image into her eyes. She took it all in.

Her fur looked silky, no damage had been done to it. The water in her ears reflected the light of the moon, though it didn’t look as fluffy as her brown tuft of hair. Brown and puffy, like a pom-pom. Litoria smiled, she really loved everything about Puddles. She was beautiful in her own way, and Litoria wanted to take in all of it, experience it all. She finally closed her eyes, letting herself fall asleep as well.


By the time the sun was rising, Litoria had already started to awaken. It’s the time she would usually wake up for catching flies, but knowing she would spend the day with her girlfriend, she decided to move from the bed. She raised her paw to her mouth to yawn into the back of it, licking sleep from her eyes. She peered over at Puddles, who was still asleep. The golden rays of sunlight moved past the curtains and hitting her face just right. It was like watching over an amazing grace, sent to make her life better. She was as angelic as the sun, her face shining, eyelashes glistening. Litoria’s heart skipped a beat, maybe two. This is what she wanted to wake up to every morning. She watched Puddles’ face turn into a slight frown before her eyes opened. Moments later they looked straight at her. They shone like an emerald in the light and Litoria felt her breath hitch in her throat.

She had never felt so truly in love with something than like she did now, with the dog who she lay next to.

If I know what love is, it’s because of you. I have never loved anyone like this before, so silent but so loud, so mystical but so real. Our worlds meet like it was meant to be, and here we are, together, staring at each other, like it’s only us. And we only need us to be in love, because that’s what it’s about. Honesty, care, kindness and above all else, the effort in building our own throne. One we sit on together, paw in paw, watching as our worlds collide into one, to love and be loved by you. Love is a promise I can see you hold dear within your own eyes, something I hold in the pads of my paws. We nurture it together as it grows, and I will never be prepared for how big it will blossom, but having you by my side through it all will make it okay. I trust you that we’ll always be okay. You have a place in my heart that no one else could ever have. It is forever, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Litoria smiled, reaching out to take Puddles’ paw in her own.

“Good morning Puds.”

She watched Puddles blink, she was a blur to her at the moment.


She felt Puddles’ paw squeeze her own. It was so gentle, then she squeezed twice more.

“What was that for, Puds?”

“Litoria, I love you. I know we haven’t been together for long, but I have, for years now,” Her eyes drifted to focus on Litoria’s eyes, “And I want this to be ours. No matter what I say, if I squeeze or tap you three times, just know that I love you. First for my feelings, second for my passion and third for the commitment to you.”

Litoria squeezed her paws three times back.

“I love you too Puds, forever and always.”

Puddles pulled their paws up, lacing their toe beans and kissed Litoria’s toes. They lay there, side by side, silent but together, professing their love for one another in the golden light of the sun. It was pure, heartfelt. It was true to them. Litoria pursed her lips, she felt like she could cry. To be fair, Puddles wouldn’t even be able to see it. But this, this was all she wanted. Her life was one big love letter to her best friend of years.

I choose you. And I’ll choose you again. I never won’t choose you above all else. Over and over and over. Without a doubt, in every heartbeat that passes, I’ll keep choosing you. I love you Puddles, and I never won’t.