Their Meeting

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

Their Story

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Their Meeting Part 1

Moana was minding her own business, traveling over plateaus and grassy hills, grazing and drinking occasionally along the way. She was just traveling just because, bored of most stallions because of their rash unimpressive and often to be expected behavior. She finds it sweet usually, but it just.. doesn't work for her attention. She always wanted a foal one day from a stallion that would be hers forever. She had one at one point and ended up having a foal or two, only to be burned in the end and her heart shattered. She wasn't quite sure if she would ever recover from it, but well, she was optimistic and had hope that one day she would get the love of her life.

It was just another day in Poe's forest. It was dark and dreary as usual, with only the ravens to keep him company. He liked it this way. Preferring solitude over being social any day. There has been a time in which he had looked and even hoped for companionship, though those days have long since passed.

For he was drawn to the darkest of forests, enjoying the sullen quiet lurking within. However, this did not go over well with other horses, especially mares. Of course, his appearance wasn't doing him any favors. He's larger than many other horses and much, much hairier. Not only this, but his coat also adorns bones and dark cracked markings with a slight green glow that adds to his "scary factor". He was even pretty sure that he was the monster rumored to live in the woods. Still, he didn't mind. He even took joy in terrorizing the brave little foals who dared each other to wander into his forest

Moana enjoyed her walks, even as she came up to a forest. She studied it for a good while, grazing outside of it, but her focus on it. It seemed, quiet. Ominous. But peaceful and not really threatening. She hadn't heard any rumors, but even if she had, she wouldn't really listen to them unless she tested out those theories for herself and found them true. Finally, after a few hours of stalling, she made her trek. She waded her way into the forest, taking quiet steps and minding the area. A small curious look on her features as she admired the forest. It was beautiful and untouched really. The creatures kept to their own business which wasn't a bad thing. Truthfully, she found it quite pleasant. It just showed that this place wasn't tarnished by human hands or their selfish desires and wants.

As soon as the other horse stepped foot in his forest, Poe was aware of their presence. He decided he'd let this one meander into his forest a bit, so he could give them an extra good scare. That would teach them to wander in unannounced. He quietly meandered through the forest until he could see them. He stayed downwind and was able to maneuver silently across the forest floor despite his large size. It was one of the many tricks he had learned in his solitude.

Soon, he found the traitor and began his watch. She was a mare, he gathered from her scent, and a rather pretty one at that. She was appeared pure white in color and practically illuminated the forest with her radiance. She was small but muscular, he noticed as he stayed hidden, watching. She was just...looking at the forest itself. As if she had no knowledge of the hideous monster living within. Still, he couldn't have trespassers here and there would be no shot for him with a mare as pretty as her anyways, even if he did want companionship.

He decided to pick up his pace and get ahead of her but trying to stay with the breeze. He found a perfect hiding spot and waited as she wandered towards him. Once she was close enough, he sprung out from cover and roared at her as loud as could, all the while puffing himself and his hair up to make himself look even bigger.

Moana was minding her own business, enjoying the beauty of the forest until something, or someone scares the daylights from her. She reared up will whinnying in a panic until she caught sight. She landed back down with a soft thud, breathing heavily until she calmed down a bit. She blinked at the beast? He.. ;ooked lonely. That was all she could think of. Her ears swiveled from back to forwards, curiously. She wanted to say hello but was unsure. She stepped from front hoof to front hoof, unable to stand still in the beginning. She didn't feel... scared. All she could feel from the other was loneliness. And she knew that feeling. So instead, she decided to make herself literally look less threatening and laid down, also for her own fidgety sake. But she never looked away from the other.

When the mare simply laid down in response, he was baffled. He stomped his feet and grunted at her too, but that didn't seem to be working either. Then he bent down and sniffed the mare, she had a nice scent, but he figured that if his display didn't scare her away, maybe his closeness would. Next, he began to circle her all the while rearing, stomping and grunting. He was also fluffing his extra hair and flexing his muscles to make himself larger. All in a display to scare her away. He didn't need companionship and certainly not some stubborn mare poking around his woods to bring in rival stallions. He liked his peace and quiet and wanted to keep it that way.

Moana watched quietly, blinking every now and then at the display. If he was wanting to scare her off, he was failing miserably. He reminded her of a few birds doing a display, and it made her giggle a bit. She found it amazing. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously, a small smile playing on her lips as she watched the show.