Carlos and Kayden

5 years, 9 months ago

Wrote it for a school project

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Kayden gave a soft sigh. Cigarette smoke hung in the room, swirling around softly. The room had a slight constant smell of smoke, the walls and posters seemingly to have picked it up. A window let in little sunlight, the blinds drawn most of the way and a tree outside blocking the sun even more. A fan buzzed slightly as it struggled to cool the room, it didn’t do much good. The room was cold enough though, the AC unit ensuring that. Muffled yelling came from downstairs and a door could be heard slamming. Kayden counted to nine before a car could be heard squealing away. A soft sobbing could be heard from downstairs. She slowly reached forward, turning the music volume up on the laptop, blocking out the crying. She sat back on the bed, tapping her cigarette on the ashtray, soft sparks floating off. She was scrawling through pages of forum boards when she heard her mother call, voice raspy. She slowly paused the music and grabbed a tank top, pulling it on over her sports bra. She stood up and stretched, skinny frame highlighting her ribcage and spine. She pulled the black knee high socks up, they got pushed down when she was lying in bed. Her mother called again, slight anger in her voice this time. Kayden unlit the cigarette, heading downstairs. This would be the third time this week her mother had cried over little what’s his face. He was the 5th ‘boyfriend’ this month she brought home and cried over. The seventeen year old walked down the stairs, hand trailing along the railing. She was almost at the kitchen when her mom through herself at her, sobbing. Her mother was a burly woman, almost suffocating her tall skinny daughter in her grasp. “Oh Kay he left me! Again…” her mother trailed off and was quiet for a second before bursting out crying again. This was an almost daily occurrence. It had been since she was around nine. That was when her father left, he had handed her a small rose and then left. She hadn’t seen him since then. She didn’t know why he left at first but she could guess now. She had seen the photos of him online, hugging and holding his new daughter. His new wife. His new family that wasn’t messed up from so many little things. Things had been better before he left. Now her mom was high all the time or hooking up with random men. She didn’t work, all the money came from Kayden’s multiple low paying jobs. It really wasn’t fair. She struggled to keep up in school, finding the need to constantly work conflicting with her need to complete high school. She was a senior though, she could leave once this year was over. She didn’t plan on leaving her Mother, even though that would probably be better. She stood there still, letting her mother cry for a few more minutes before shoving her away. “I’m going on a walk.” Kayden said, voice monotone. Her mother nodded, rubbing her blurry eyes before shuffling to her room. Kayden shook her head slightly, heading up the stairs to her room to get her sweatshirt and lighter. It was spring break and not to cold, but still chilly enough to want her sweatshirt. She grabbed her phone from the bedside table, pulling up her contacts and calling her friend, “Hangout?” she asked, there was a pause then as her friend answered, “The usual place?” there was another pause. “See you in ten.” Kayden sat on the park bench, staring at the sky. Next to her sat Carlos, one of her friends who she considered a brother. He was always there for her, knowing that is she called that meant she needed help. He could listen to her rant for hours on end without getting bothered. She would trust him with everything. He knew all about her Mom’s hookups, her Dad’s disappearance. He was the best friend anyone could ever have. They had met in fourth grade. She had been sitting along, hunched over an empty lunch box holding a rose. The day her dad left. She had been sniffling, trying to hold back her tears. Carlos was the new kid, also alone. He had noticed her, walking over to her shyly. The two had started talking and he had hugged her and from there on their friendship blossomed. They were practically inseparable ever since. The two sat in silence, staring at the stars. Carlos finally broke the quiet. “What happened?” he asked softly, glancing over at her. His eyes looked wide behind his circular glasses, trusting and caring. “Mom brought home another guy. This one seems violent.” Kayden gave a soft shudder, remembering what happened last time she brought home a violent guy. Carlos gave a sympathetic smile, drawing her into a hug. She could smell the leather from his hoodie, the cloth of his shirt pressing against her arms. She hugged him back, giving a shuddering breath. She trusted him so much. The two sat like that for a while before breaking apart. “Thank you for this Carlos. You know you don’t always have to be here for me, it’s not like I do much for you,” Kayden said, looking down. Carlos put his hand on her shoulder, “You may not realize it but you do,” he whispered. Kayden looked at him, not saying anything before leaning into his shoulder. The two stayed out there till around 2 AM when Kayden’s phone rang. The soft hum of the vibrartor broke the silance. Kayden looked at her phone. It was her mom. “she prolly wants you home,” Carlos said, voice loud in the stillness of night. Kayden nodded numbly. She answered the phone and she heard her mother start yelling at her, telling her she needed to come home. That Andrew, or Little What’s-his-face insists upon it. Kayden hung up, hands falling limply to her sides. “Her boyfriend wants me home. He’s angry.” she whispers, looking down. “Stay with me tonight.” Carlos says, looking at her. Kayden nodded, “If I can.” It wouldn’t be the first time she had stayed with him. His mother knew her situation and would always offer her housing if she needed it. She had offered to let Kayden live with them multiple times. She had always refused, saying her mom needed her. “My mom would let you live with us you know.” Carlos said, breaking into her thoughts with his offer. “I, I might do that. For a while at least.” Kayden said slowly, nodding as if in a trance. “Thank you for this,” she whispered, turning into him. The two hugged for a while. Crickets sounded in the distance. For the first time in a while she was at peace.